Hell Hog

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My name is Chase, believe or not anything that is living can go to Hell. When I went there, there was multiple other animals. Me being a four-hundred pound hog is used to my advantages. 

 Yet i still do not know why I am here I am. At first I was set at the gates of Hell, seeing Satan made me become tight. He saw right away that I was a hog, Immediately, Satan said "A hog, are you serious, what could a hog done????"                                                                                                            

"Actually a lot" The guards replied in sync

 Satan replied "Hmmm, ok guards come with me, lock him up to the first floor right now"

I was moved to the first level out of five. Most things were on the first level. This contains crimes like being in gang violence to several murders. The first level may sound like that is all you good do. It is far from done. The animals have made way worse of crimes. Since we are animals though we get cut slack and are not usually sentenced to third at most. Although, at times it is different, for instance while I was sitting at the first level by myself, a guard came and handed Hell newspapers. Every living thing screamed WOW!!!!! I read seven lines and saw that a jaguar was sentenced to the fourth level. It read "Jaguar sentenced to fourth level for terrible crimes involving cases of killing ten people or more for no reason. Drugs taken for jaguars, and more. 

I was waiting for a couple hours as suspected, I finally transported back to the gates. Satan was starring at me with awe.

 Satan said" You are the most worthy of the fifth level, I am in awe of how you do it. I'm amazed." 

I asked "Umm, ok, well what did I do? 

"Many things actually, I will not tell you because I have a special job for you. It is called the Grim Reaper, the rules for being a Grim Reaper are listed below." Satan said

 1. You are only aloud to kill living things that already have afterlife planned in hell. They have a circle with a cross in them

2. Max people to kill a day: 3

3. If you don't follow rules you will be my guard, lets face it does anyone wanna be my guard.

4. You serve till you can't any more.

5. If you kill more than three a day you will be sentenced to fifth level confinement, which means you will be locked up in a 5 x 5 room. FOREVER...

                                        Those are all the rules-Satan

"I believe that you will agree to these terms, although you may be scared of the other grim reapers. All the other grim reapers have served more than you, which means they are a higher ranked grim reaper. For the grim reapers, you move to a higher level by killing more people, here take this magazine for information."

"Okay, I will at one cost. You start me at the third level." I said

"Fine, but this makes it a lot harder. You also have higher expectations on every level."

sorry guys for bold at the end, didn't know how to get off bold.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 27, 2021 ⏰

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