Part 12

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What happens when Genshin servers are down for maintenance, and I have to install 2.0? I write another chapter of course!

Btw I'll probably be editing my earlier chapters, they werent that great.

Sugawara was gliding around on the ice, having been  ice skating before, he knew most of the ropes. He had even helped Nishinoya get comfortable on the ice. He was by no means great at ice skating, but he was okay.

Sugawara was thinking about everything that just transpired. Hinata was an ice skater? Not only that, but he was good enough of an ice skater to be working with Victor and Yuri Nikiforov?

It didnt make much sense in his mind. Hinata never seemed to be the type to enjoy sports that require elegance and beauty. He was a volleyball player, and volleyball didnt seem to be that elegant in his mind.

He hadnt heard of many athletes being great in two sports, but in two completely different sports? It was unheard of.

He remebered hearing of a cheerleader who did gymnastics alongside cheerleading, but both sports were similar. Yuri had done ballet before ice skating, but they were similar in some way or another.

But volleyball and ice skating? He couldnt think of a way they were similar. Maybe he was overthinking it, actually he was very likely overthinking it.

"Suga?" A voice called out his name, Sugawara was surprised a bit by this and jumped.

"Oh, Daichi its you? What are you doing over here?" Sugawara asked. "Nothing really, you just seemed to be a bit distracted. Are you doing okay?"

"Yeah, im just thinking about Hinata being an ice skater, it seemed pretty out-of-character for him..." Sugawara trailed off, thinking once more about it. "Im gonna go.." and with that, Sugawara glided away. Leaving a very confused Daichi behind.

This chapter might seem random, but it will be brought up again later. And im sorry for it being so short, I just wanted to get this short scene out of the way.

Also, why is this update taking so long...

Bye! Take care of yourselves!

Word count: 336

Hinatas Passion | Yuri on ice x Haikyuu crossover Where stories live. Discover now