The host: "Once again the amazing Nessa Baker"

Everyone claps

Nessa: "I hope you guys are still having fun and enjoying the show"

Everyone claps

Nessa: "Let's take a look at the nominees for favourite male social star"

Everyone claps

Nessa: "We have one of favourite human ever Larray"

Everyone cheers

Nessa: "Next we have on of my closest friends and once my Co-star Lilhuddy"

Everyone claps

Nessa: "Next we have my Bestfriend and also Amazing Rockstar Jxdn"

Everyone claps

Nessa: "Next we have the amazing David Dobrik"

Everyone claps

Nessa: "Next we another close friend of mine Josh Richards"

Everyone claps and cheers

Nessa: "And Lastly not only a youtuber but also a boxer Logan paul"

Everyone cheers and claps

Nessa: "And the winner is"

You open the envelope

Nessa: "Jxdn"

Everyone claps including you and he walks upstage and he kisses you. You were kinda shocked since you guys haven't confirmed it yet but you kiss back and you both pull away and you give him the mic.

Jaden: "Omg I don't where to start Thank you guys all so much for voting for me I never would have thought this would happen this is insane. Congratulations to all to other nominees your all amazing and hard working. I want to thank my parents Amy and John and My sisters Haley and Sophie I love you guys and I wanna thank my manger sharon for believing me and I also wanna thank this girl right here nessa I love you so much and I thank you God so much everyday for knowing you. Your an amazing person I'm so lucky to have you in my life. And I also want to thank every single one of my fans out there I wouldn't be on this stage without you guys I wouldn't be making music with out you guys so thank you all so fucking much and this one for you guys"

He puts the award up and he walks over to you and takes you hand and you walk off stage

Nessa: "Omg j you won"

You hug and kiss him

Jaden: "I can't believe it"

Nessa: "I'm so fucking proud of you. You really deserve"

Jaden: "I love you so much"

Nessa: "I love you more"

You kiss him again

Bree: "Okay you guys need to go to the seats"

Ariel: "I need to touch up your makeup"

He says as he brushs your brown and adds highlighter

Lee: "And I need to fix up your hair"

They do it quickly and before you know your at your seat with Bree. Jaden is on your left and beside him is Josh.

Skip time

You guys have been there an half and hour when the host announces

The host: "We have the lovely and amazing Hailey Bieber here to announce the newest upcoming artist"

Everyone claps and you hold jadens hand and he kisses it

Hailey: "How we all doing tonight"

Everyone claps

Hailey: "Good let's take a look at the nominees for the best upcoming artist"

Hailey: "First we have the amazing Dixie D'amelio"

You all claps

Hailey: "Next we have Lilhuddy"

Everyone claps

Hailey: "Next we have Jxdn"

Everyone claps and you kiss his cheek

Hailey: "And Last we have one of my favourite artist out there Nessa Baker"

Everyone cheers and jaden kisses your cheek

Hailey: "And the winner is"

She opens the envelope and you hold Jaden hand tighter.

Hailey: "Nessa Baker"

You were shocked

Nessa: "Omg"

You stand up and kiss jaden and hug josh and then hug Bree and you make your way to the stage and you hug Hailey and see hand you the award and mic

Nessa: "Omg I can't believe this is happening right now I've dreamed of this since I was young. Omg where do I start I wanna thank my mother Megan for alway believing me and My father Colson I wouldn't be doing music if it wasn't for my dad he has inspired me so much so I wanna thank them for always believing in me and telling me to follow my dreams. I wanna thank Travis Baker for been the best producer but also the fucking dude ever you inspire me every single day so thank you trav. Next I wanna say thank you to my manger bree for sticking by my side since the begin I honestly don't know what I would do without you and Next I wanna thank my boyfriend jaden for alway believing in me and pushing me to follow my dreams you are an amazing artist and honestly you deserve this award alot more than me you put so much time and work into your music and your so fucking talented I love you so much. And Lastly thank you to my fans none of this would have been possible if it wasnt for you guys i love you all and this is only the begin"

You wave at the camera and walk off stage and your met by your manger Bree.

Bree: "Congratulations nessa im so proud of you"

She hugs you

Nessa: "I love you bree"

Bree: "I love you too ness"

Nessa: "We fucking won"

Bree: "I can't believe it"

Nessa: "Let's fucking party"

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