|Their Phone 📱|

-Dosent really use it offen
-Theres hardly anything in his phone
-Only uses it to text you and call
-His gallery has some pictures of you and him
-Dosent even bother to put you on his lockscreen or homescreen :/
-How sad

|Random Scenario|

You and Sukuna went out to eat somewhere but you didn't feel like eating at a fancy restaurant so the both of you went to Wendy's. As you where eating he had a little gross look on his face.

Y/n: "What?"

Sukuna: "What you're eating.."

Y/n: "A burger?"

Sukuna: "No not that what's inside of it.."

You looked at the burger and picked out a pickle.

Y/n: "This?"

Sukuna: "It's disgusting get it away from me."

You chuckled and put it closer to his face.

Y/n: "It's not that bad just try it."

Sukuna: "No.."

Y/n: "My my I can't believe the great king of curses doesn't want to try a pickle."

Sukuna: "I just don't feel like eating..."

Y/n: "Even if you weren't hungry you'd probably eat my-"

Sukuna: "Just give it to me."

You handed it to him and couldn't help but laugh at his reaction when he ate it.

|When you're sad|

-Today wasn't really your day
-Just everything made you sad
-You went to visit your lovely boyfriend too see if it would make things better since Mahito just teased you about it
-As soon as he saw you he noticed it right a way
-Kinda teased you about it too
-It made you frustrated
-He stopped the teasing since he saw how sad you where
-Pampered you
-He asked you why you where sad
-But you told him you didn't know why
-Was a little annoyed but he just continued to pamper you more
-Started to play with your hair to see if it would relax you
-It did (:
-If he found out you where lying and someone actually made you sad he would probably send them to the shadow realm

|Break up Prank |

-Decited to pull a prank on him
-You where nervous as hell but wanted to see his reaction
-You told Mahito about it and agreed to the Prank
-Luckily Sukuna wanted you to come over
-When you told him the news he gave you a little look
-"Im being serious you know.."
-He hopped off of his throne and gave you a closer look
-"I know it's a prank Y/n, you won't acatually split up with me.."
-He gave you a cheeky smile and patted your head

|When someone flirts with you|

-Godbless that person
-They're gonna die in seconds
-Dosent even ask the person to leave
-He'll pull you to the side while he has a little "chit chat" with the person
-After that he makes it clear to everyone that you belong to him
-Leaves you a little
-So everyone knows

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