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The temperature is warmer and life has be a bitch. Theres not much carl around. Everytime we do hang out Dominique just so happens to want him.

But with the lack of carl ive gotten to hang out with ian alot. His boyfriend is really cool. He has a nice place. Whenever i come over i refer to everything as "the _____ they fucked on/in".

Debbie- i don't actually know whats up with her. Lip either. Ik hes in rehab but other than that. They've kinda been off my radar.

Ever since the wedding Sean fled the scene and Fionas running patsys. Idk how thats going.

Me? Omg. I have three parents. Three little siblings. And you know how sometimes it gets awkward when a random sex scene comes on. Yeah. Well for me it's gotten so bad that I basically live at the Gallaghers.

This morning Dominique came through which meant i was leaving early.

I was walking through the halls and eventually ended up at my locker. I was getting what i needed when carl walked up to me

"You ever fuck anyone uncircumcised"

"Good morning Carl" i said continuing my day.


"No. I haven't" i told him. "Ive only been with like three guys."


"Why do you ask"

"Dominique doesn't wanna suck my dick cause uhh"

"Oh. Dont ever ask me a question if it has anything to do with her" i told him "and honestly if you're going to give her head every morning could you please close your door. Im this close to sleeping in your room to stop you"

"You could sleep up there. I honestly don't feel like giving head every morning"

"You do wanna have sex every morning though" i told him

"We could make you a tent out of ians bunk"

"Ill still be able to hear you." I told him and watched him go back to thinking "hey. Honestly i dont want any of that. Im cool with sleeping in debbies room."

After that we went our separate ways finished the school day and then went back home.

"Can you tell me if it looks normal"

"Your dick?" I asked and he nodded "you wanna show your girlfriends ex best friend your penis? real smart carl"

"Please" he said as we walked into the house

"Dude- what the are you guys looking at"  i asked and then we all just stood there staring at Frank "fuck he ate my spaghetti"

"Should we move him" carl asked

"I dont think the gates of hell will show up on the GPS" i told him the i looked to lip "i missed you bro"

"You too kid. Whats been up"

"Oh carl. Ask them. They have penids"

Hard times// carl Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now