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I was in class when I decided i didnt wanna be. So i raised my hand

"Yes ms ball" the teacher said

" i have to tinkle." I said

"Are you done with your work" he asked

"Yes. I finished it while you were talking." I told him.


I got up and left the classroom. This teacher doesn't give a fuck about us leaving as long as we dont get caught and or work is done.

"What to do? What to do?"  i said looking around.

I decided to hang out by my locker. I opened it and got my snack and a paper fell down.

Bring Dominique behind the school

I wrote no on the paper and put it in his locker.

Dom and i haven't been exactly cool. Idk what happened but she just doesn't like me anymore. Which is fine but shes still using me as her excuse with her dad.

He calls every now and then and every time i don't answer.

I started trying to think of a place where I could go without getting caught. So I decided to go outside.

I walked behind the school and saw people i was avoiding.

What people. Well Dominique, Kennidie, Kennidies bitches. And across the way. Carl and nick.

Right now is where i decided if I wanna spend my free time swinging or arguing. Carl has guns imma run with that.

I walked over to them and sat down.

"Dont you have class" he asked

"Dont you have class" i asked Taking what was in his hand. "You really upgraded. You went from dolls to guns"

"Yeah and these arent toys" he said "i dont need you shooting yourself in the leg"

"It was one time. Im better with it now" i said aiming it "i want a shot gun"

"Of course you do." He said "did you get my note."

"Yeah. The answer is no. I dont fuck with Dominique anymore"  i said pointing the gun in a random area

"What happened" he asked

"Dont know or care" i said then heard the bell ring "okay later loser"

"Bye lacie. I like your skirt" he said as i walked away.

"I do too" i told him as i spinned around

I was wearing the pleated skirt. It took me a week to stop caring about how it was originally for Dominique. I put on a black top with it.

"There she is" Dominique said And ran up to me "hey. Where have you been"

"At my house." I said

Hard times// carl Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now