Testing boundaries

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Once morning, Kris changed into her school robes and headed down for breakfast. Behind her she heard faint voices, her name being mentioned once. She turned around to see Hermione walking towards her, clutching a paper in her hand. 

"Hi Hermione" Kris said, looking at Hermione confused. Hermione seemed pretty angry for the first day of term. She waved the paper in Kris face. 

"Know anything about this?" She raised her eyebrows. "Hmm?" 

"Well if you stop waving the paper everywhere maybe I can try and look at it" Kris said with a quick chuckle. Hermione thrust the paper into Kris's hands. She scanned the paper, not surprised at what she saw. 

"Fred and George are looking for people to help with work? I don't see any harm in that"

"Yes but it's for that joke shop they want. They want to test their rubbish on unsuspecting students!"

"Hermione it doesn't look like whoever volunteers will be "unsuspecting""

"It doesn't matter if their unsuspecting or not! They can't go testing their products on other students! As a Prefect it's my duty to-" 

"Oh yeah thats right," Kris cut her off. "I forgot you were a prefect" she grinned. 

Hermione narrowed her eyes at Kris. "As I was saying," she said annoyed, "As a prefect I have a duty to make sure the students are safe and following the rules"

"Yes but how is posting a flyer breaking the rules?"

"It's for their stupid joke shop! Their going to test out their Peeing Pansies or Nummy Nosethings on poor innocent students!" 

Kris laughed. "I think you mean Puking Pastilles and Nosebleed Nougat."

"I- Well-" Hermione started. 

"Yes your prefectness?" Kris said with a smirk. 

"Ugh!" Hermione stormed off to a very confused Ron and Harry.  

Kris headed off in the direction of the great hall. "Hey!" she heard someone yelled behind her. She turned her head to see Lee coming along beside her. She smiled at him. "Fred and George want help later," he panted. 

"Let me guess," Kris started. "They want me to test their candies"

"Yeah" Lee chuckled. 

"What do they want me to test?"

"I reckon whatever it is, its new. And probably pretty secret. They haven't told me what it is yet"

"Yeah I think I'll have to pass on testing their candy." Kris laughed. "I don't feel like bleeding out of my ears for a week"

"Well first of all, the blood would come out of your nose, and second, it would be a lot longer than a week." Kris stared at him blankly. "Yeah, they haven't exactly worked that detail out yet. That's why they need testers," he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. 

"Yeah, count me out" Kris turned around to head to the great hall for breakfast. The two twins, who Lee and herself had just been talking about, popped out of nowhere and stood in front of her.

"Please test our candies," George begged.

"Pleaseee" said Fred. Both twins had puppy dog eyes and looked up innocently at Kris. 

"No" she said plainly, and walked around the two. 

"Please, please, please, please, pleaseeee" the boys said in unison. Kris kept walking. 

"Your on your own on this one boys" she waved her hand at them and disappeared around the corner.

Kris entered the great hall and walked over to the Slytherin table, were she picked up a piece of  toast, and a knife with jam, and began spreading the jam on the toast. At the table she was greeted by Adrian Pucey, who was accompanied by a blonde haired Slytherin girl. 

The girl had her hands wrapped around Adrian's arm, and her head resting on his shoulder. She was looking up at him mezmorized. Adrian struggled to sit down on the bench. "Avery" he said soothingly. "How about you go sit with your friends for breakfast?"

The girl giggled. "Great idea Aidry-wadry" She smiled flirtatiously at the boy and skipped off to her friends, who were farther down the table. Kris looked at Adrian curiously. 

"She won't leave me alone" he said exhaustingly, resting his head in his arms. "My parents invited her over during break and now she follows me around like a lost puppy"

"There there" Kris said, patting his shoulder. "I'm sure it must be terrible having a girl crushing on you"

"No, you don't understand" he said dramatically, looking up at Kris. "She won't leave me alone, at all. She wants to eat every meal with me, spend every free period with me, and stands outside the bathrooms when I have to go. She's driving me insane!" 

A few seats down, Miles Bletchley let out a muffled laugh. Adrian turned and glared at him and he covered his mouth with his hand to stifle his laughter. 

Kris laughed quietly and looked at Miles. The two desperately tried not to explode with laughter. "Don't worry Adrian, I'm sure she'll get over you eventually."

"That's the thing!" Adrian exclaimed. "I don't think she will. She obsessed with me! obsessed I tell you!"

"I highly doubt that anyone could ever be obsessed with you" Kris muttered under her breath. Adrian looked at her then put his head back down. "I think I'm stuck with her" he said miserably. "I think mum wants me to marry her a short while after we let out of school"

"She wants you to marry," she paused for a moment. "That, thing?"

Adrian chuckled. "I could be wrong. But she's pureblood and comes from a wealthy family, and you know how my parents are."

Kris nodded. She had met Mr and Mrs Pucey at the train station one year after school had let out for the summer. His parents were very proud and eloquent people. They were a family of purebloods going back centuries, just like the Malfoys. 

"Here's an idea" Kris said, flicking Adrian on the forehead to get his attention. "If your mum brings up marrying her, just say you don't want to"

Adrian burst out with laughter. He banged his fist on the table and tried to catch his breath, nearly falling off the seat as he did so. Kris stared at him. "Tell my mum I don't wanna marry the girl she's prepared for me? I don't have a death wish!"

"If I told my mum I didn't want to marry someone, she wouldn't force me"

"That's your mum Kris. She's actually nice. My mums like that lady in that muggle fairytale. Evil witch of the South"

"Wicked witch of the North" she corrected him. 

"Whatever" he said, waving a hand dismissively. "She could be the Nasty witch of Dumbledore's beard hair for all I care. Point is, she'd kill me if I talked back, and I'd like to live a bit longer"

Kris shook her head in annoyance. The bell rang, signaling that it was time for their first class. Kris had charms today as her first class, same as Fred and George, and a variety of other Slytherins and Gryffindors. 

She found Fred and George in the corridor and walked to the charms classroom with the two of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2022 ⏰

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