meeting the girl behind the mask

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Kaylee lost her parents when she was 4. More specifically her father, her mother is alive and well. Kaylee (Kris) Fleamont Potter. Potter. That's right a Potter. but you see, her mother isn't Lily Potter. A couple years after their wedding, (and two years before Harry's birth) James made a mistake. Drank to much firewhisky, did something he shouldn't have, and in approximately 6-9 months the incident came into the world. Kaylee is the daughter of both James Potter and Hestia Jones. 

Kaylee lived with her father and step-mother until their untimely death. Her mother, Hesita, though she loved her daughter, thought it was best if she lived with James and Lily, and soon Harry. James and Lily loved Kaylee as if she was the product of the two of them and not the product of James and an old friend. Although once Harry was born it was pretty obvious that he was the favorite. 

Kaylee (or Kris as everyone calls her) grew up with just her mother. Despite their relation kris and harry didn't live together. When Hestia found out what happened she took Kris, but Harry had already been sent to the Dursleys. She lived growing up with magic, mostly because her mother was a pureblood and wanted her to know magic early on in life. Kris was excellent in charms, which was really the only thing her mother had taught her to do before Hogwarts.

Kris started hogwarts in 1989 along with Fred and George Weasley, Lee Jordan, Cedric Diggory, Adrian Pucey, and and great deal of others. Kris had short brown hair and a spunky personality. During her train ride leading her to her first ever year at hogwarts she met Fred and George. Not surprisingly the 3 hit it off, well after Kris nearly strangled George for stealing her Pumpkin Pasty.

Kris, to her surprise was sorted into slytherin, where she met Adrian Pucey and Marcus Flint. As soon as she saw Flint she new she didn't like him. They've had a rivalry since her first year. Neither of them knew exactly why they hated each other but hey, thats life. 

In her first year Kris excelled at charms, (obviously). She was decent in potions and she loved watching the quidditch team. She would skip meals just to watch whatever house it was practice for their upcoming matches. Much to the annoyance of the teachers, she hung out with the twins, a lot.

The three were a load of trouble. The twins though seemed to be more into pranking while Kris just liked messing with people. Still, they gave their professors migraines, grey hairs, and pretty much any other sign of getting old or having anxiety. Kris, during the middle of the year, put a toad in Professor Sprouts pumpkin juice at breakfast, she surprisingly didn't get caught, or if she did, she just didn't get in trouble. The juice had splashed all over her professor but to her relief and disappointment Professor Sprout was laughing, instead of freaking out.

Kris, Fred, and George were known by many of the teachers as the Troublesome trio. Their "nickname" started when Professor Mcgonagall had been referring to the 3 children when venting to Professor Flitwick and said "those children will be the death of me. The troublesome trio they are. 3 rule defiant children roaming the school. And next year we'll have their brother. Hopefully he isn't as bad."

Kris was in second year when she found out she would soon be meeting her brother, for what is the second time in her life. Harry hadn't known he had a sister until he was 12 years old. It wasn't because the Dursleys refused to tell him, in fact the Dursleys didn't even know that Harry had a sister. It was because Hesita thought that if she were to ever visit harry that she would interfere with his life and maybe say something that the Dursleys didn't want him to know yet. 

Hesita thought Harry had a loving family and was always treated kindly. She was wrong. Kris was 14 when she actually met Harry. Despite what you would think, Kris was not excited to meet her brother. She wasn't nervous either. How do you think that the famous Harry Potter is going to react when he finds out he has a sister. And how would the other students react. In her third year she had already gotten some weird looks and stares because she shared the same last name as "The Boy Who Lived"

 And you would think harry would connect the dots that they were siblings. wrong. Harry hadn't known who she was. He had seen her walking around sometimes but he had never met her. Not until the whole chamber of secrets incident.

A/N- This is one of my first books and yes im aware it's bad. I realize that this chapter is short but i wanted to upload something. The next chapter or two (maybe more) are gonna be past events from Kris's life. The book takes place in 5 year through the battle of Hogwarts. It starts in maybe around the middle of 5th year. Only because i need to show a relationship with an important character. And sorry if the idea is bad i came up with it on the spot. I'll try to update as much as possible and if im not updating a lot, i'll do an ask the author/characters for you guys to do while i work more on the book! Also some things about the book might change. I might not go all the way to the battle of Hogwarts. It may just be years 5-6 or just year 5. I'll figure it out as i go along                                                 

                                                      ~with love~ pottah_games

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