✔LXXIII - Hurt by Dear Husband

Start from the beginning

"I-" She gulped down the bile that had formed in her throat and added, "I am sorry for disrupting your rest. It won't happen again."

She gave him a small smile as she turned around to leave.

She won't let him see herself breaking into tears, again...

She opened the door and left his room. And when the door closed behind her, only then she let a drop of her tears fall on her cheeks.

Seraphina could not sleep as all she had done was crying the whole night and when sleep finally had befallen she had to wake up at the door knock.

She sat up, her head ached and her eyes felt droopy. After yesterday she felt a little hurt. Well, not little. Her mind was a mess and she had no idea what would she do. Her stomach growled in hunger but she didn't want to eat. She didn't feel like eating now.

The knock came on the door again as Seraphina said in a hoarse voice, "Come in."

Celia entered avoiding looking at Seraphina. She hadn't come last night after their fight and as she saw the untouched plates on the table, Celia glared at her.

"Morning." Seraphina said which Celia ignored and she said, "The Crown Prince is expecting you at the breakfast table."

"Oh..." Seraphina looked at the ground as she recalled the conversation between her and Demian. Her heart hurt. She didn't want to see him. What would she do as he would only ignore her and it would only hurt her more. And not to mention there would be Zenith.

She didn't want to have her gazing at her. She hadn't decided anything and what would she decide? Both Demian and Celia was important to her. Why the hell out of all people, she had to know of her being a wizard? She decided to talk to Master Valentine but the advisor was very busy and she had barely seen him.

She released a sigh as Celia rummaged through the clothes and prepared a hot bath for her. She came with a Jade green gown that matched her eyes.

"Let's take a bath and hurry before you make your Highnes angry." Celia said as Seraphina sat on the bed lazily.

"Who? Prince Billard?"

"No! Prince Demian."

Seraphina looked at her with wide eyes. "Why would he be angry at me?"

"Because he would not like it if you disobey Prince Billard." Well, it was true that Demian loved his brother more than anything. If anything happens, he would sacrifice everything for his brother. All the work he had done was in the name of his brother. He could have spread good rumours about himself yet he chose to be the bad person and highlighted his brother as the Prince worthy of the crown.

Come to think of it, Seraphina had never seen Billard fighting or getting angry on someone. He was completely opposite of Demian.

She nodded and got up with a lazy stance. She didn't feel cheerful and she certainly didn't want to go to face Demian.

After a while, as she came back, Celia tied her hair in beautiful braided bun where a few curls strands were falling on her face. She had prepared her but Seraphina was still in no mood to go there.

"Isn't there any way to avoid going there?" She asked.

"No." Celia said curtly as Seraphina sighed again.

She was ready and within a moment, she went ahead to the hall. She noticed the guards were at every corner of the castle and wondered what happened.

As she reached, she saw Demian wasn't there but Zenith and Prince Billard was there. They looked up and Prince Billard greeted him with a big smile, "Good morning, Seraphina."

She curtsied as she took her seat and said, "Good Morning."

"Apology for Demian to not showing up here," Prince Billard said with a pity face as he added, "He might haven't woken up."

Seraphina nodded, "It is okay, Your Highness. He must be busy."

Or, he was avoiding her. She didn't know why but it hurt her more. She felt her appetite fading away but as she was invited here, she had to eat.

"Serve." Zenith ordered the servants but Seraphina could feel her occasional gazes on her and not to mention she didn't look at her at all.

The servants poured juices and placed meals on their plates as she was about to eat, a footstep echoed.

"Sorry for the delay, your Highness." It was Demian's voice and Seraphina was about to look at him but refrained herself. She would avoid him as well if that what he wanted.

He took the seat beside Seraphina as her heart thumped. She hung her head and chewed on the food in silence and noticed from her peripheral view that Demian hadn't even looked at her.

Her face now carved with pain as she slowly ate her meals but each bite she had taken felt like forever to finish.

The crown Prince must have felt the distant atmosphere in them as he looked between them and asked, "Is everything alright?"

Demian nodded, "Yes, brother."

Seraphina looked at Billard and casting him a small smile she said, "Yes, of course."

But it seemed Billard wasn't taking their answers as he nodded stiffly and occasionally glancing at them.

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