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From the screams of everybody Levi knew that Hange successfully finished her last job. His heart died in that very moment and he rubbed the ring on the string around his neck "If we had 5 more minutes...kitten."

"NOOOOOO AAARGHH!!!!" Levi screamed and woke up. He cried a little bit and he didn't understand where he was till he recognised the environment. It was on Paradise and he was in a room. He looked down on the bed where a burned corpse was laying. Levi held its hand really tightly as it was precious as if he would never let it go. After the battle had ended and Eren was defeated he immediately went back to Paradise and searched for Hanges corpse on the wide field at the harbour, when he found it, it wasn't even recognizable but he noticed the ring, a silver shimmer, on her hand and took her home. Nobody was allowed to come into the room nor take the corpse till he gave permission, Armin didn't say anything as he was grieving too and was still in Marley. Levi finally realised that he dreamed remembered their whole life and silent tears ran down his cheeks and he was trembling, he had lost everything dear to him, his lover, wife and lastly his child. He couldn't fulfil the last promise he made to her, Ada had died due to a very dangerous cold. His heart was not ok and some strings had snapped, heartbreak was inevitable, so now he sat there looking at a corpse bawling his eyes out not knowing what to do other than trying to be sane and not to shatter. "Didn't I tell you to let me go?" he sadly smiled "You did, but it seems I can't. I am sorry for breaking the promise." "No worries she's up here right at my side and we, her Erwin and me, are watching you." "I am sorry, I am so sorry!!" "Its not your fault Levi. Let me, us, go.." he felt a faint touch on his shoulder when he turned around it seemed as he looked at Hange and Erwin holding a smiling Ada, and they faded "NO don't go please don't leave, don't I haven't told you everything yet don't... please don't l-leave.." he fell onto the floor holding his necklace ring, sobbing, "If we had five more minutes.... my kitten, Princess, Erwin." he held Hanges hand for a last time gave her a goodnight kiss saying in a soft and tender voice "Hope you sleep fine, Zoe." Then he gave permission to transport her dead body to the graves.

Every year when it was her birthday, he celebrated it alone in the barrack "Happy birthday to you, Zoe. I hope god up there is nice if not I am giving him a beating. Love you all guys." then he blew the candles and it was dark and silent in the room but something green started glowing and for Levi shapes formed like as if everybody was here and he got a hug from behind. He leaned into it "You didn't let go?" "Seems like I couldn't." "Well it doesn't matter, welcome home." He kissed his lovers and a little bit older Ada embraced him.


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