Night-time and kisses

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Hange went over to the bathroom door and knocked "Hey Levi, are you fine in there? Haven't heard you in a while." there was a small noise and then a veerrryy high-pitched voice answered "Yes, yes everything's fine. No need to come in." Hange doubted every word "I am coming in. Somethings fishy." "Noooooo, four eyes I warn you, if you come in I.." but she was already inside. The view that was presented to her in that moment was something nobody ever thought he could see but dreamed of, Levi stood there fully erected. He was red like a red bean and tried to cover all "I- Its not what it looks like. I have no idea how to get this thing down again. Please leave." Hange clearly saw that he was ashamed but just closed the door and mocked him "So you are a real man. Never thought you could actually bring it up, hahahaha. Man what a view. I mean it's not that small but also not that big, I think even Jean can get more." Levi looked at her terrified to the core "HOW, BY THE MARLEYANS, DO YOU KNOW HOW BIG JEANS THING IS?" her face lit up as she saw that he took the bait and went up to him "OH I just "happened" one time to stumble into the boys locker room." he gave her a scolding look "It was for science man, don't be so stiff. Also what are we going to do with this?" as he was terrified he didn't notice how close she had gotten, the moment she touched his, a ringing sensation ran through his body and his knees nearly snapped. For once Hange saw the chance to get the top, which basically meant that she was mocking him while helping. "I can help you if you want me to.." she aggressively rubbed the tip and his knees snapped and she caught him "Look out there, is it that good?" She looked at his face just to see him holding back breath and crying and being red all over, guilt got her and she sat him on the floor. Then it clicked, she gasped in disbelief "Levi. Don't tell me you never ever had a problem before. I-is this your first time and being touched?" he slightly nodded "Now do something about it, please this is embarrassing." "Ok, ok. But how are you gonna compensate for it?" "No idea. I won't leave it at that and DO SOMETHING NOW." She found his acting very cute but she understood the seriousness of the situation and how embarrassed he was so she wrapped her hand around it and slowly bobbed it. Levi melted in her touch and let out a little moan but she didn't mind and kissed him saying she was proud of him and in that moment it got more hard again, she flicked her eyebrows "Seriously, you got a boner because I was praising you now and before. You really are some guy. But it's cute. I love you." silent tears flowed down his face, mouthing the words love you too while just coming into her hands and letting out a soft scream. Hange wanted to taste it but Levi slapped her hand "Don't, what if it is contagious? Or it gets you sick?" "Honestly, it's not the first time tasting it, so, but if it makes you uncomfortable just wanted to do it for s.." "I know for science, now go wash you hands and get to bed!" "No shower?" "Not today, hurry up you big nerd." "Your nerd" he smiled and ruffled her hair waiting for her to come to bed. As told she washed her hand and put on a lose blouse with nothing under it and went to bed. Levi was reading a book and just chilled on the bed "Watcha reading there?" "How to die peacefully." "Levi" Hange said in an indigent tone "Just kidding, I dont know it was on your shelf, just looked interesting. You don't mind do you?" She shook her head and crawled onto the bed. She looked over to him and he noticed her staring and smirked. Then she just dived under his arms so that her head rested on his breast, he looked down and just opened his arms more for her to crawl in. The whole time he was reading she just silently stared at him and smiled "What are you so intrigued about do I have something on my face?" "What, no.. Why you asking?" "Because you've been staring and smiling for the past 5 minutes" Hange was flustered "Well I love you." "Love you too, Nerd." her face was in disbelief "I want to be with you forever." "I want to be with you together forever too." Levi straight copied everything without changing faces, Hange got suspicious "I, humanities greatest soldier, am scared of graves and haven't visited the cemetery in years." "No, I've been there several times but I just don't want to, it's not that I am scared of anything." He got a little embarrassed but she kissed him and then he suddenly asked "Should I read for you a little bit till you fall asleep?" "Uhh, sure." So Levi began to tell the story that was written in the book.

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