Chapter 2

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Kara's face was on fire and her blood was pumping faster than she would of liked. She couldn't believe...well.... any of that. The reporter stepped out of the elevator in a haze.

As she stepped outside the rain hit her and it was like she just ran into a brick wall. What was I thinking? Kara closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The rain cooled her skin.

Kara reran through the whole interview, her face got hotter and hotter no matter the rain. Nobody has ever had that effect on her before. Why Lena? Sure, she was good looking, and polite, she had wealth, and a lot of power.

Leaning against one of the steel pillars of the building, Kara valiantly attempted to calm down and gather her thoughts. Once her heart steadied to its regular rhythm, and she could breathe normally again the blond haired girl dragged herself to her car.

Kara scolded herself for thinking to much about this. She will never have to see her again. The girl immediately cheered by the thought.

Kara Danvers lived in a small apartment in the middle of National City. She lived with her roommate, Nia and her sister was there more then half the time. The company always made her happy. It got lonely sometimes.

As Kara put her key in the lock she could hear people talking inside.

"You're back!" Nia looked over at Kara who closed the door behind her.

"What are you?-" She began but got caught off. Kara was surprised to see her sister and her roommate talking together.

"We've been waiting for you to come back!" Nia smiled.

"Well I'm here now." Kara got a piece of pizza from a box on the counter and sat next to Alex.

"I was beginning to worry. We expected you back sooner." Kara's sister said as she lowered the volume on the tv.

"Oh, I thought I made good time considering the interview ran over." Kara took a bite out of her pizza making sure not to get any sauce on her sofa.

"Kara, thank you so much for doing this. I owe you... How was it? What was she like?"

Oh no – here we go.'The blond haired girl thought as she set down her food. She hoped she wouldn't have to elaborate much beyond what was said during the interview.

"She was fine, I'm glad it's over, and I don't have to see her again. She was quite intimidating." Kara shrugged. "Ms. Luthors very focused, intense even – and mature. Really mature."

Nia gazed innocently at her which made Kara frown.

"Why didn't you give me a biography? She made me feel like such an idiot for skimping on basic research."

"I'm sorry – I didn't think."

"I asked her if she gay."

Alex burst out laughing, "You did what?!"

"That was in one of Nia's questions. Why would you do that to me." Kara looked over at Nia who was leaning against the kitchen island.

"Because whenever she's photographed in magazines she's never with a man, so naturally.."

"It's fine, it's over with now." Kara reassured and turned the volume on the tv back up. She really didn't want to talk about this stupid interview anymore. Kara checked the time on her phone. "Mm! Movie night?" Kara suggested getting exited head nods from the girls.


For the rest of the week, kara kept herself busy with her job at Catco. Eating, sleeping, and working seemed to be her regimen.

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