Billy Jo Armstrong

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Sapphires POV

It was sort of back to normal after that. Billie apologised to Mike for being an asshole, Tre told me how he almost had sex with a dude and most importantly, the meeting tomorrow. I thought it was strange that Chris hadn’t shown his face yet. He’s the one who wanted Green Day to come down, but yet none of us knew what he looked like. I wonder where Michael is today. He normally sends me a good morning text but as I look down at my phone, I see no messages.

“How rude of you to be on your phone at the table!” Tre scolds, snatching it away.

“Hey! Give it back you dumbass!” I shout, grabbing for my phone.

“Ooh! Who’s Michael!?” Tre sings, scrolling through my messages. Mike and Billie laugh out loud, showing no support whatsoever.

“It’s her boyfriend” Billie glares straight at me. Damn.

“Wow Saph! You got a boyfriend?” Mike asks, only becoming interested in the situation now.

“Yeah, and he seems like a pansy” Tre laughs. I scowl, finally ripping the phone out of his hands.

“He’s not a pansy” I spit, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Yeah, he’s’- wait, what did you say he was Saph? Oh yeah! He’s nice.” Billie smirks over the table at me. I stare daggers at him while Mike awkwardly looks between us.

“Wow… what happened while we were away” He mutters, smiling over at Tre. Tre smiles back, before leaning in to whisper in my ear.

“What were you doing last night?” He says, quietly. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

“What do you mean?”

“When we walked into your room tomorrow… you were pretty much spooning” The smirk on Tre’s face grows once again, and I feel my cheeks redden. I look to see Mike acting as a distraction to Billie, to keep his attention off our conversation.

“I guess Billie is a cuddler in bed” I murmur, turning back to the table. Tre laughs, shaking his head before joining in with whatever Mike and Billie are talking about.

I want to slap myself in the face. How could I let myself get that close to Billie? Especially when we both knew Mike and Tre were coming. I let my emotions get to me again. I can’t let them control me. I have a boyfriend now, and Billie has a… girlfriend. I sigh. I don’t even know what he’s going to do about Hayley yet. He hasn’t even mentioned her. I bet the only reason he’s been close with me recently is because he misses her- or he just feels extremely guilty about cheating on her and needs some comfort. Whatever the reason was, in the last couple of days with Billie, I feel our relationship has grown. Whether it had been our friendship or more, it still felt good for him to trust me, and be able to be his true self around me. This is the him that Hayley will never see. And I’m lucky I even got this far. Looking back from when I first met Billie, I would never think I would become so close with him. Not even the other guys for that matter. I was almost 100% convinced it would be a onetime thing to hang out with him, and now I see them almost every day.

I’m actually scared that one day, I’ll accidentally spit out my feelings for him and ruin everything. If I lose Billie, I’ll lose Tre and Mike too. They’re kind of a package deal, in my eyes. In that case, since Billie doesn’t like Michael or the rest of their group, there is no chance Mike and Tre would either. It’s too late to try and convince them. I have to remember that they’re competition. But it’s hard to do so when they look so… innocent?

After we’d finally eaten, we head down to a garage for a band practise. Since I was just tagging along, the boys “insisted” I help carry Tre’s drum kit, since I wasn’t already carrying anything. They got mildly offended when I asked why couldn’t they of rented a drum kit, other than carrying this around the whole time because apparently it is Tre’s “Special Drum Kit”

Whatever that means.

The boys practised a couple of covers that they were going to play at the Battle of the Bands. The set list mainly included songs that were popular from the crowds at the earlier gigs. Billie insisted they practised She- Even though they pretty much nailed the song already.

I couldn’t help but blush when Billie sends me a wink, just as he’s about to sing the first word into the song. Watching Billie play his guitar and sing was amazing. Now that it was off his chest that the song is about me and not Hayley, it looks like he can really get into it. The way the sweat drips down his face, the way he closes his eyes when it comes to singing the chorus. Unbelievable.

By the end of the day, the 3 of them were drunk and I still hadn’t heard anything from Michael. It was weird. I stare down at my phone, refreshing the messages in hopes that he would send me something. I know I looked desperate, but Michael is normally the clingy type- which I didn’t mind at all.

“Fucking Hayley” Billie mutters under his breath, as he flops down on the couch next to me phone in hand.

“What’s up?” I ask, giving up and turning off my phone.

“She’s been texting me for days and I don’t know how to reply” He groans, running a hand through his unwashed hair.

“This is unhealthy” I sigh.

“I know- I just don’t know what to do”

“Well what do you want to do?”

Billie stares at his shoes, processing his thoughts. To think he’s making such a big deal about this is crazy.

“That’s it” He finally says, looking up at me.

“What?” I purse my lips, waiting for an answer.

“That’s it, I’m done… I- I’m breaking up with her”

A/N I know you guys are gonna go crazy about that ^^ Heres a longer chapter since the recent ones havent been the best :)))

Thanks for 3K reads and almost 10K on the first book!

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