Callum lifts his hand up once more toward the outside of the human camp. Suddenly, moonshadow elves mounted on shadow paws and moon striders came from the forest in a big ambush. King Azad was leading the charge straight into the human camp. They used long swords to strike the humans down.


While attacking 3 humans at once, she sees large vines coming her way. She ducks and the vines attack the humans. What is happening? She makes a run for it to avoid the vines coming out of the ground.

The vines attack the South wall and it comes down. Once it does, Earth Blood elves start pouring in, while riding on elks. They attack with large bows while riding. An Earthblood elf with a golden crown is leading the attack.

"King Liam, just in time," Ash yells while next to Rayla.

King Liam looks his way and smiles. He stops while directing his army towards the humans. While they fight, King Liam meets up with Rayla and Ash.

"It's good to see you out Rayla, but where is my daughter," he asked.

"She's this way," Ash says while signaling him to follow.

On their way they see Callum and Evelyn coming toward them with King Azad. Once they are close, the Kings dismount their steeds. King Liam immediately gives Evelyn a hug.

"I'm so glad you're safe," he says to her. Evelyn looks at him and smiles. When they break apart, king Liam looks around to see the vines helping them.

"You did all this," he asks Evelyn. She nodded. He sighed.

"Perhaps I have treated you poorly in the past. I see now that you have grown into a strong woman, just like your mom," he pauses a moment. "I'll allow you to join the archer team," he says to her. She hugs him again while smiling.

"Thanks dad," she says.

"But still be careful," he says with concern.

"I will, I promise." She grabs her bow from her back and loads it with an arrow. "Might as well start now," she says with a grin.

She runs off into the battlefield with the others. King Liam mounts his elk and charges in with her.

King Azad turns to Rayla. "It's very good to see you Rayla, I was worried the humans did something to you," he says to her. "And I have been meaning to ask you, I would be honored if you would join our tribe." Rayla was surprised by this. Callum gave her a confused look.

"Ash told me everything, how your village banished you. I hate them for that, but now you have a new home with us, what do you say," Azad asks.

Rayla froze for a moment. I can't believe it! I'll have a home again...but I can't leave Callum. After thinking, she spoke up.

"I'm sorry King Azad," she started. She walks over to Callum and takes his hand. Callum smiles at her. "But I already have a home," she says. King Azad understood.

"You will be able to visit us anytime you like, you will always be family to us," he says. She nodded to him. King Azad turned to Ash.

"Come on Son, let's finish this." Ash smiles at him while pulling out his blade. King Azad gets back on his steed and rides into battle with Ash.


Rayla tries to follow but Callum grabs her hand. She turns to face him. "Rayla, this is your chance to have a real home. I don't want to hold you back from that," Callum tells her. She smiles at him. He looks into her deep violet eyes.

"Being alone out here has given me a lot of time to think. When I got banished from my home I was so sad and felt like I didn't belong anywhere. When I was in Ash's home I thought that could be my new home, but it didn't feel like one," she paused for a moment. "But when I'm with you, I feel safe and comfortable. I feel happy and there is no reason to worry. You showed me that I have worth and you helped me see that I belong with you. That's why when I'm with you, I know I'm home."

Strong Together (Rayla x Callum)Where stories live. Discover now