Movie and Missed Moments

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The first night of fun was a movie night. Originally, you all had compiled a list of things to do which included movie nights, game nights, study nights, and spontaneous/adventure nights.

For the movie, Yuji picked it. He said it was a great action, sci-fi, and romance movie. Within the first few seconds, you chimed in, "Is this the Hunger Games?"

Yuji laughed while Megumi complained that Yuji has played this movie too many times.

"What's the obsession with this movie? It's good but -"

"He has an unhealthy infatuation with Jennifer Lawrence. Or specifically, tall girls with big asses," Nobara sneered.

"Oh," you laughed. "Okay."

"I miss Todo," Yuji stretched. "The man has great taste."

"The only thing you bonded over was your taste in women," Nobara scoffed. "At least Megumi's answer was wholesome."

"Aw, what was it?" you asked. Megumi had avoided meeting your gaze and you suddenly regretted your question. "Oh, I mean if you want to share. Sorry, that could have been weird I guess."

"No, actually his-"

"Shh, I'm trying to watch Jenny-"

You all gave Yuji a look. Jenny? He was on a nickname basis with his celebrity crush?

"Whatever little fantasy you have going on in your head with 'Jenny' needs to stop."

You laughed. Yuji remained the butt of the joke, but he never seemed upset by it.

No one bothered to shared Megumi's type, so you left it at that. It would be too embarrassing to ask again.

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