Billy Barker

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William Barker aka Billy Barker, a young boy, a deformed boy. Willam has a simple family, a brother named Andrew Barker, a dad named Leroy Barker and finally a mom named Helen Barker.

Willam and Andrew we're young, they like to play outside together at game like baseball or running.

The Barker lived in a little house in fier street. In ShadySide, everyone know Willam as the deformed children of Leroy Barker, Billy Barker.

Everyone say that is cause of the witch Sarah Fier and he's possessed by the demon. When he started go to school, some people is making fun of his face.

Willam Barker always thought it was a shame, he didn't look like all his classmates, he thought he was a abomination.

He was alone, he's brother having is friend, Andrew said that he went to play with other people. No one was here for him.

One day the boy who was curious decide to explore the basement of he's house.

Willam always wondering what was in this old chest. He found some old clothes, and old thing he didn't know what what is supposed to be and he look under a old blanket, he found mask?

A baby creepy mask.

He take it and he put it in he's face. He thinks that he looked less terrifying and disgusting with this.

He stopped to move, started to look intensively in the wall of his basement and after he's dad scream for that late dinner was ready and it come back to normal.

Willam was feeling bad, he tells he's family how is feeling and he's protective family went to the hospital of ShadySide to make sure everything  is okey with Willam because he pass trough a lot of health problems during he's life.

At the hospital William Barker was looking like a real zombie, he was holding the hand of he's mom and he's dad.

William Barker's hand was cold.

They went to their family doctor John Roberts's office.

John look in William eye's and scream that he was cursed by the witch. John got scared and he tell the family to get out of he's office

Leroy Barker, Willam's dad was not happy to see how he treated he's son, it was not his fault if he was like this. He tells everything he thought about his the doctor's attitude.

John tell that it was more than just Willam's illness. John felt something different not normal in William. He said that is happening again like Isaac Milton 18 years ago.

The Barker retuned to their house saying at William that everything will be better tomorrow.

"sleeping will make you feel better William".

William didn't respond now after 3 seconds he said "yes probably mom".

When they arrived home William wanted to go sleep.

Helen, he's mom thought it was a good idea and she brush he's teeth, put his night clothes on  and she gave a little kiss on William's forehead and say goodnight.

Later in the night William wakes up and went to the basement to find he's mask, it was like a necessity for him.

He put on the mask to hide his face to the word.

He was staying here, with a bat he took in the corner of his room after he played baseball with he's brother Andrew Barker.

A bit later, the parent noticed that he was not on he's room so Helen, wake up and went to the basement to see what happened with his son.

She found William sitting on the floor with he's bat and the mask on.

William everything okey?

The second William heard this he slowly turn to see he's mom, he gets up and goes to his mother with hitting the bat on the floor.

Her mom look at him like she don't recognize his son, what the hell he was doing?

She slowly retreat of her son and saying his name multiple time.

The next second Billy Barker hit he's own mom with the bat in the ribs. Her ribs was broken, she fall on the floor and her son finish her.

William Barker go up stairs and go in he's brother's room.

He was doing the same thing he do to his mom, he hit him with strength, he crushed he's head to death.

While William killed his Brother, Leroy Barker called the police.

They said to get out of this house. As soon as possible. He ran so fast to achieve his goal.

William ran to kill he's dad. The minutes later, he get him he was dead on the floor like Helen.

Billy stopped moving. He was looking at he's dad completely crushed in front of the door.

The sherif Fred Good opened the door of the dead family and shoot in the young killer's head, he was dead.

Like Isaac Milton, a Good killed him. Tragedy in ShadySide continue.

Sarah Fier couldn't stop cursed souls in ShadySide, and take life with this.

Heyy again, hope y'all like the part of Billy Barker this became more and more scarier I need to stop do this at 3am 💀💀 anyway part 3 about the milk man killer, Harry Hooker :)

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