.tears and the truth

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The next day at school I was on my way to my locker when I saw makenzie and Brandon pushed up against my locker and hers kissing eachother.
"Umm I need to get to my locker"I said really softly.
Makenzie and Brandon then separated and makenzie made a face at me.
"Eww nikki your hideous face is making me sick!"she spat.
I backed away and before I could reach for my locker she snatched out my binders and books then threw them onto the floor along with my diary.
"What do we have here,your DIARY!"                I quickly tried to dash for my diary when Brandon grabbed me then pinned my arms behind my back.makenzie then cleared her throat.                                                "Dear diary,                                                               I hate everyone at this school they are all stupid like Chloe and zoey......"                          I then noticed that Chloe and zoey were right by the front listening.I then pushed back Brandon and stormed to makenzie .I then punched her in the face so hard she hit her head on the lockers and tumbled to the floor covering her eye.
I then ran outside and sat on the nearest bench then cried.
"Hey nikki,are you ok?"I quickly looked away.
"Are you crying?"he then sat down and looked at me.
"No I'm not crying..."I sniffed
"Look what you said in that diary didn't mean anything about our frienship"he mumbled.                                                                "I think your the most smart dorkiest and beautiful girl I've met and ever since that party I wanted to do this".                             "Do what....."
Brian then kisses me.I want to push him away but I can't so I kiss him back.when we separate for air we both are blushing and are smiling
"Umm so see you tommorow?"he asks
"Brian...are you asking me on a date"I found myself flirting.his face turned red then he kissed me on the head.he then said." See you at the movies then"he then walked away.

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