Everybody Knows

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        No one can say that they were surprised when Ace and Nancy finally declared their feelings for each other. If anyone stated differently then they were clearly lying, anyone who knew both Ace and Nancy knew that there were some kind of underlining feelings that they had for each other. With the Wraith being attached to Nancy and Ace not leaving her side while they worked on figuring out to remove it from her, that was when it became more obvious to everyone around them that Ace had feelings Nancy and judging from Nancy's reaction when she found out that Ace and Amanda were dating that she had some sort of feelings for the hacker. After the removal of the Wraith, Nancy became aware of her feelings for him and she was heartbroken when she found out that Ace had already left with Amanda. 

       Flash forward a few years later, Ace and Nancy had told each other their feelings for each other. Just like any normal relationship, they had their ups and downs but they were able to work through the hard times get to where they are today. Where are they today you may ask, well Nancy went off to Columbia and pursed her dreams while maintaining a long distance relationship with Ace. At Nancy's graduation, the hacker was there front and center along with Carson, Ryan, and the rest of the Drew Crew. After talking it over with Ace, they decided to stay in Horseshoe Bay and focus on building a life together. On their third anniversary with both Carson and Ryan's blessings, Ace asked Nancy to marry and she said yes. 

         They got married a year later and a few months after their first wedding anniversary, the former girl detective found that she was pregnant with her and Ace's first child. Nancy would be lying if she said that she wasn't worried out of her mind when she told Ace and of course Ace was excited to find out that they were expecting. When they told everyone in their circle about the baby, everyone was thrilled and excited about the news. It wasn't long till they found that they were having a girl, it didn't take for them to settle on a for their baby girl, Lucy Katherine, in honor of both of Nancy's mothers. Both Ryan and Carson were touched when Ace and Nancy told them of their daughter's name. 

          Two months later, baby Lucy decided that she was ready to meet the world and yes Ace freaked out like any first time father would when Nancy's water broke. Thirteen hours later, the cries of the newborn could be heard. While Nancy spent time with the newborn, Ace went out to tell everyone that baby Lucy was happy and healthy. As their daughter older, they quickly found out that their daughter had her mother's ability to solve mysteries. It did worry her parents a little but they knew that she could also handle herself. It wasn't long till they found out that their daughter had her father's hacking abilities. Hearing about his granddaughter's abilities, Ryan joked that she was the perfect combination of the two of them. 

            Flashforward to present day, Ace and Nancy had another daughter and the rest of the Drew Crew had kids of their own. Lucy was sitting at the counter of the Claw looking through some of the missing people reports when she felt someone tap her shoulder, turning her head her green hues came face to face Tiffany Nickerson, she was the daughter of Nick and George and she was definitely spitting image of her mother personality wise.

"Lucy! Stop channeling your girl detective 2.0 side and focus please. You're at work to work and earn money, not to sit here and look through missing persons."

              Tiffany looked at Lucy with a pleading look on her features which was the same look that her mother had whenever she was trying to get Lucy's mother to work. Sighing softly and giving into Tiffany's plead, the young dirty blonde closed her laptop then got up from and walked over to the first table that was in her section. Presenting her best friendly smile, she took the customers orders. How did she know that they were visitors? It was obvious plus she trusted her detective instincts enough and of course they were telling her that the guests were people from out of state. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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