Stranger danger

494 14 10

Warnings: cussing

Also sorry I haven't updated a while. School has been keeping me busy.
Sally just finished baking blue cookies when she heard a knock on the door. "Just a minute!" Sally yelled as she was cleaning up her mess in the kitchen. When she opened the door she saw the 5 wizards standing outside of her apartment. She stand there for a second shocked before letting them in.

"Hello Sally" greeted Dumbledore as be walked in with snape and 3 other wizards\witches she doesn't know.

"H-hello  Dumbledore" she said still in shock. If she had something in her hand she would of dropped by now but luckily she placed the bowl of cookie batter on the kitchen counter.

"Have a seat on the couch" said sally
who is not in shock anymore went back in the kitchen and put in the first batch of blue cookies in the oven.

Sally went over to the couch and sat across from the 5 wizards\witches 2 of whom she know.

"What are you doing here" asked Sally kindly  as she got comfortable.

"Well ................." Said Dumbledore

"I know..............." Said Sally

As they were chatting the got interrupted.

Percy frantically ran downstairs and yelled, "MOM THE COOKIES ARE ABOUT BURN," as he put on a oven glove and took out the almost burned cookies.

" sorry Percy, I forgot about the cookies" said Sally.

Percy dramatically gasp

"How could you forget about the cookies mom? You never forget the cookies." Percy dramatically said.

"Wait. Who are these strangers?" Asked Percy as he just notice the group of people.

"They are old friends honey"

"I know you're lying mom" percy frown a bit, turning to look at her

*sigh* "you always have your father's skill of knowing when someone is lying"
Sally said fondly

"These are my old friends from a school called Hogwarts"

"Oh" percy stared blankly at her for a moment then grabbed a cookie and started eating

" that's all he's going to say?" Dumbledore looked bewildered at him

" just wait" Sally responded




"Why are they here? What is Hogwarts? That's a stupid name for a school. Are they dangerous? How long have you known them? Why haven't you told me about them earlier?" Percy them took a deep breath and grabbed another cookie

The 4 out of the 5 wizards/witches looked shocked at the sudden vomit of questions

Severus, excepting this shook his head exasperated

" Well...You had other stuff going on and I forgot to be honest"


"Soo... why are they here, and severus put down the glamour spell, I know it's you"

Severus smiled and stopped the spell

" you always had extraordinary insticts" severus chuckled

" Thanks! But your not off the hook." Percy stared at him knowingly

Severus had the decency to look slightly guilty

"What is going on-"


Severus cringed

"Sorry" he mumbled in shame, " it was their idea and I thought they left a note"

The tension in the air was thick. Percy glaring at severus and severus looking like a child getting scolded by its mother

The rest of the people in the room were all thinking "What the fuck is going on"

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jan 28, 2023 ⏰

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