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Warnings: cussing
Harry was still mad that nobody told him about Grimmauld place! Like seriously! He was the boy who lived! They were suppose to be his friends. Well, it wasn't exactly their fault. Dumbledore did tell them not to and he can see his reasons, but still! It wasn't very nice of them.

"Harry dear! There's an emergency order meeting about to start in the dining room. Please come down!" Harry looked at the person who interrupted his brooding. She was like a mother to him.

He sighed as he went down stairs to the dining room. When he got there he sat down next to Hermione and Ron who were talking to eachother. " hey guys. What do you think the meeting going to be be about? "Asked Harry. " I don't know." reply to Ron.

The room went to silence when Dumbledore strode in the room dramatically. Dumbledore looked grim and he didn't have his signature twinkle in his eyes. He always has that twinkle.

He sat down at the seat at the end of the table. " I'm afraid I have some grave news. Voldemort has a grandson."

" What!" Ron exclaimed. "No one would want to be with that snake!"

"I'm afraid not Ron. The grandmother is unknown, but we can assume she is a pureblood. Their daughter was a squib, so she was put in a orphanage. She was adopted by American couple when she was very young and now she lives in New York. She had an son with the unknown person and he has shown exceptional magical powers.

"What are the names?" Sirius asked.

" Their names are Sally and Perseus Jackson. Harry, Lupin, Sirius, and Snape will be coming with me to recruit Perseus. Voldemort is not aware he has a grandson yet and when he finds out he will take all cost to retrieve him. We will apparate to their house in New York and three hours. Please meet back here." With that Dumbledore Rose from his chair and strolled out the room to explain Snape the things he just said to the order.

After he left a worried muttering broke out between the grown-ups while they are processing what they have just been told the golden Trio made their way upstairs to Harry's room to talk about what they just heard.

"Bloody hell! Voldemort has a bloody grandson! I bet he will look like a snake. pale and scrawny." Declared Ron. Harry was debating with himself about this. Either he would fit with Ron's description or you don't like Tom Riddle. Very handsome but evil. He might be a combination of both. That would be creepy.

"No matter what you looks like he's going to be evil." Harry said. There was no way that the grandson of the person that killed his parents would be nice.

"Harry!" Hermione scolded. "You haven't even met him. How can you judge someone when you don't know anything about them besides their ancestors?"

" I think Harry's right on this one 'Mione. His grandfather is the evilest person ever. There's no way for him to be a nice person." Ron said.

Hermione got up and pushed her chair in. " Fine. You guys can catch him before you ever met him but I'm going to treat him nicely. " she walked to her room. " Boys." She muttered under her breath. They were so stupid sometimes.

The boys were quite shocked at Hermione's outburst. He was usually the leveled headed one. She did have a point though,there's no way for this guy to be nice.Was there?

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this first part and I'm already working on the second one!


Word count: 620

grandson of Voldemort ( Apollo x Percy)Where stories live. Discover now