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"Okay then, let's go."

I lost the energy to talk to my three companions. I can barely hear them now. I just made my way to the gate, smiled and asked the guard where the WXYZ Section and he said I just have to cross the road then he pointed out the huge WXYZ sign. Damn, the sign is too big. Why didn't I notice it?

Every step is a massive blow to my insides. I'm like being punched on the stomach. God, was I even prepared for this?!

With my friends following me, I entered with a bag of nervousness. Emotions are bursting and mixing inside me as we cross the road. I tried to stop walking but Greg's hands land on my shoulders and gently guided me, pushing me forward.

"You have to do this"

I think I heard him say.

Across the road were three guards. I smiled at them and greeted them first before asking them about the person who paged my name and they pointed on the left.

"Oh! It's that guy beside the telephone booths, wearing a black polo..."

The guard said, but honestly, I don't need him to point out who he is. When they pointed me to that direction, I spotted him already. There are three men wearing black polo but I'm sure I'm looking at the right guy. I can see two sets of muscle abnormalities in his cheeks and right then I knew it's him. He's already staring at me, smiling, like he knows that it's me.

Anne and Jenna started to scream, realizing that Efrain is really here. I want to scream too. I don't want to do anything instead of just standing still. I am unable to make a single step. I'm jaded. I never expected this. He is here. He is now in the same place as I am. Is this all real?

He started to walk towards me but I'm still motionless. Greg started to grip my shoulders and I thank him a lot for doing that cos it woke me up.

Before I can adjust to the situation, Efrain is now just three feet away from me. He just stands there like he's waiting for me to come near him.

Anne and Jenna said "Go Kate" in unison but I'm not capable of making any laugh right now. Did they scream when they said that? Are they still squealing? I have no idea. My senses stopped functioning properly.

To my surprise, my feet started to move.

See? Even my legs and feet started to be gain involuntary muscles! Hello? I should be the one deciding if I'll walk or not!

I started to make small steps towards him.

There's no stopping this.

I felt every inch of me being brought to life with every step closer to him. One more step and we are finally a feet away from each other.

I just laugh at him years ago when he said he'll come here for me. Now, he proved me wrong. He's right in front of me now. No way can I laugh with this.

As I look at his face, he smiles again and his dimples caught my attention again. I have always adored those. It made me smile too. I looked a bit higher and I saw his eyes. I wish I didn't do it cos now I'm feeling like I'm never gonna stop staring at his eyes intensely staring mine. His eyes have the lighter shade of brown than I have. But that didn't caught me off guard. The intensity in his stare caught me unguarded.

"I almost thought you won't be here"

He started to speak. His deep voice fully brought me back to my existence. His eyes still locked with mine.

His voice sounds better, way better than how it sounds during our phone calls and Skype video calls. Oh God what is happening to me?

The world stopped. He made my world stop. I thought it's just only in the movies but no, it's just me and him now. Only me, him and my loud beating. And just as everything around me paused upon seeing him, Efrain brought every piece back to life.

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