'But I don't see any of the fog that the forest of Elshire is known for. My fears of travelling through the beast glades were quelled by the fact that only small animals seemed to be present. Although, I'm surprised  that I haven't seen any manager beasts with how rich this place is with Mana. It's regrettable that I can't stay and absorb some of the mana, but I should hurry.' I thought as I walked further as the sun started to set.

'I need to get back to my parents. With my mother pregnant, the stress of my potential death might endanger the baby inside her. If they're still alive.' I thought seriously continuing my journey to the mystery voice dwelling. As it was almost night I finaly reached the place I saw in the images. "I'm glad you were able to make it here safely." she said to me suddenly. "So...umm...it's nice to...meet you?" I asked the rock as I held a branch that was connected to it in awkward silence.

"As interesting as it would be, I am not a sentient cluster of rocks. You will find me within the crevice." she told me as I looked past the rock in front of me and saw blue light. 'Dad. Mom. I'll be home soon.' I thought as I entered the crevice with a look of determination. As I walked through the cave heading towards the glowing blue light, I heard her voice warning me. "Watch your step." She told me before my foot landed on a loose rock causing me to fall deep into the hole. Sooner or later I hit the ground with a lard thump as I got up slowly from the pain.

'Ugh... A warning that I was gonna drop two stories down would have been nice...' I thought as I stood on my two legs. I looked ahead and what I saw shocked me. I took a step back only to fall on my butt at the sight that was before me. 'Wh-wha... What is that?!' I thought as I saw a stone figure with glowing red eyes sitting down staring at me. "We finally meet, my child." she told me as her head laid on her clenched fist looking down at me. She stood up and made her way towards me, she was so tall her horn were scratching against the rock.

"Bugs will fly into your mouth if you keep it open that wide." She told me as my was wide open from the shock I felt upon seeing her. She bent down and reached her hand towards me I raised my hand up slightly below my face. I saw something red on her chest before I covered my eye. She held her hand towards me as I grabbed it hesitantly as I stood up. "It'll take some time for me to open a dimensional rift strong enough to transport you home. There are special plants that will be able to nourish you until then." She told me as she pointed towards her right. I looked saw the fruit she was talking about.

"Th-thank you...?" I replied which sound like a question but I walked around looking at which fruit to eat. I went towards a blue circle fruit and grabbed it. 'This looks okay.' I thought as I looked at my reflection as the fruit looked like it was shining. As I looked my expression became sadder as I remember my parents and I eating watermelon together.
Suddenly I felt air behind me causing me to jump and squish the fruit in surprise. "That one taste better." she told me pointing at the poor fruit I squished in surprise. I looked back at her covered in the juice of the fruit. "I-I see..." I replied back as I stared at her.

I sat near her as she stared at the fruits on her fingers while I began to eat another one I picked. I looked at her wondering if I could ask something before I turned my head and opened my mouth. "Ummm... I know you told me you were a lady, but is there a better way I can address you?" I asked as she looked down at me. "My name is Sylvia." She replied to my question. "Sylvia... Do you mind if I ask a few questions?" I said to her as I put down the fruit in my lap. "Go ahead, little one. Although I may not be able to answer everything." Sylvia replied as I started asking her questions that were bothering me.

'With my initial fear from Sylvia's appearance slowly fading, I began to ask her all the questions that have been on my mind since waking from the fall. Where was this place? Why was she alone here? Where did she come from? How did she get that wound? And why did she save me?' I thought. "Your first question is easy enough. This place is a narrow zone that rests between the Beast Glades and the Forest of Elshire. No one knows of this place because I've been warding off anyone who comes close, although those cases are rare in the first place. You,Arthur, are the first to enter this domain." She explained while answering my first question.

"You can...uhh...call me Art. My family calls me Art... It's short for Arthur..." I told her avoided eye contact. "Very well. I shall also call you Art. As for your second question, I am here alone simply because I have no one left to be with. I have many enemies that desperatly wish for something that I have. My last battle with my enemies before I was able to escape left me with this wound." she said as she touched her wound before standing up.

"As for why I saved you...perhaps I was moved by your courage and sacrifice. Or perhaps I have simply grown lonely. Even I don't fully understand why. My apologies, Art, but I will excuse myself for the night. My wound festers and I must be in good condition when I work on the dimensional rift tomorrow." she told me as she made her way towards the throne that was in front of me. "Oh, okay... Good night Sylvia." I told her.

'As the fearsome figure clad in dark armour walked away, I couldn't help but think about how lonely she appeared.' I thought as my expression saddened by what I had just thought. "I almost forgot... My sight is unable to reach exactly where they have gone, but your family and friends are safe. Just in case you weren't sure." she told me as she looked back at me. "S-safe? They're...safe. Thank you, Sylvia." I told her as I begun to cry before I looked up at Sylvia with a smile on my face with the tears running down my face in happiness.

(On Hold) His Fated One (Arthur Leywin x reader) Where stories live. Discover now