love is odd

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"hey cunt cunt ass, i got food" yawning, i walked down to the basement, its been a few weeks and ive been visiting almost everyday. sangwoo starred at me with loving eyes. sometimes id wonder how it was possible to be this obsessed with someone. but i have to admit it is kind of nice someone unconditionally love me. i sat on the floor, cross legged in front of sangwoo and handed him the plate of (jus put whatever you can cook). i watched sangwoo eat while i rested my head on my palm. i decided to start a conversation "so, remember yoonbum?" i asked, 'of course he remembered yoonbum'

"yea, hes why i got to meet the love of my life" sangwoo tried to flatter me, but i was unfazed aside from my face going a tad bit darker "whatever, he got a girlfriend" i grinned widely. sangwoo didnt seem to care so he just hummed in response as he ate "awe, i thought you wouldve been more excited" i put on a sad and pouty tone. which only confused the larger male "since yoonbum has someone i thought i would be able to spend more time with you, maybe even sleep here" y/n turned his head away so sangwoo couldnt see his eyes.

sangwoo finally realized and almost choked on his food. "no no no! i am excited! its just.." sangwoo tried to think of something "its just what?" y/n asked finally meeting sangwoos eyes "i-its just, i didnt sleep well last night, yknow. im kind of slow today" sangwoo lied. 'fucker! im the bitch who didnt sleep last night and it was obvious. i literally have eyebags' i thought to myself "bullshit"  i say with a slight growl. staring right through the man in front of me "w-what?" sangwoo was taken aback. with that my attitude changed as quickly as it came. "oh! im sorry i should rephrase that, i came off too harsh" my voice was sweet and genuine, at least to sangwoos ears it was. 

getting up onto my my knees i bring up my hand to softly caress sangwoos cheek, rubbing my thumb on his chick once or twice. leaning close until i was about an inch away making him think i would kiss him, only to change my direction to his ear, along with moving my hand to his jaw tightly gripping it "you fucking liar..." i say lowly. sangwoo may have been bigger than me, but that didnt mean i wasnt strong. it just meant i could be whatever i wanted. if you wanted a nice and bubbly boy who loved playing around the bees and voice a voice that was so sweet youd get a cavity, y/n could be that. if you wanted a heartless manipulator who can make maybe a nation quake in their boots just by his glare, he could be that. 

y/n should never be underestimated, sure hes made mistakes but thats what being alive is. maybe he couldve made a lot better decisions than being stuck doing this, now dont get me wrong y/n quite enjoyed this but that was the new him. y/n had a lot of time to think..... about sangwoo, about his father, about all the shit that made his blood boil and vision go red. maybe he finally snapped, broken beyond repair, but just as everyone does with their own situation, he tolerates it and hides it.

 some people can let their knowledge and emotions take over and push them to the brink of death, while some others can use it to their advantage, for personal gain, because why is it fair to treat people better than youve been treated. why not just screw everyone over? why not inflict pain on others? why not instigate? why not lie? why not manipulate and abuse others who are just as pure as you where? why can they live happy without a care in the world? 

maybe inflicting pain, trauma, and lies are just a form of love. to get fixed maybe youd had to be cut open and rearranged. maybe the best was of learning was the hard way. maybe lying is better than the ugly truth. maybe these things where wrong. but in the end, be honest, who fucking gives a shit? majority of these cunts follow rules, we know the story. blah blah blah, mum and dad where always nice, blah blah blah, i got bullied but my friends where there for me, blah blah blah, i decided to just ignore everything negative, blah blah blah, happily ever after. yes its all a load of bullshit. not fun at all, y/n decided to say fuck you to morals and have 'fun'. maybe to some it was sick and twisted but y/n could care less. its not like people understood how he felt so whats the point 

"sangwoo, love?" y/n asked in a hushed tone as his grip on his jaw loosened "y-yea?" shakily sangwoo answered "be honest with me now, do you lie because you genuinely love me?" y/n moved the and that was on sangwoos jaw to his chest, as he laid his head on his shoulder, sitting on his lap "of course i love you" y/n shifted as he wrapped his arms around sangwoos torso. "that wasnt my question sangwoo, i want to know why you lie to me. do lovers lie to eachother? ive never loved someone sangwoo, like ive loved you, so i dont know" y/n said tiredly, sleep finally catching up to me. "you love me?"sangwoo said in disbelief. y/n only hummed and began to fall asleep "i'd let you tap any day..." y/n chuckled and finally fell into a deep slumber. leaving sangwoo dumbfounded, relived, and ecstatic. y/n was finally all his 

(word count 965)

oooh first chapter thats not at least 1000 wordss 

anyways, this chapter a load of bullshit since its fucking 3am where im at so yeA

might work on the next chapter rn, kinda wanna wright smut, idk

oh and just ignore all the spelling and grammar mistakes i can barely see my keyboard rn

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