Chapter 4 - Settling In

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Zelk POV:

When Zelk saw Mega for the first time, his jaw was on the floor. Not literally, of course, but he was half convinced that it would be if it weren't for the bones supporting it. He closed his mouth as soon as he realized how ridiculous it must've looked and racked his brain for something- anything intelligent to say.

Zelk's brain wasn't helping at all. For some incomprehensible reason, all he could think about is how oddly adorable Mega looked. He seemed so shy standing in the doorway, staring silently at the ground.

"Uh… hi Mega! I, um, like your scarf!"

Real smooth, Zelk.

Mega POV:

Mega rolled his eyes and pulled out his notepad to distract himself from his anxiety. He tried to convince himself for the umpteenth time that wasting his time and energy worrying about his appearance is a waste. The way he was staring at me, you'd think I grew a giant googly eye on my forehead, then started glowing yellow. I can't possibly look that bad...

Stop being an idiot and move out of the way, you're blocking my path

Zelk awkwardly stepped to his right, making space for Mega to walk inside. Once Mega was through the doorway, he took a minute to appreciate the house's interior.

Perfectly positioned windows lined the light-colored walls, letting in enough light to give the main rooms a happy feel while avoiding being blindingly bright. A single couch sat facing a large TV mounted over an electric fireplace, one chair on either side of the couch. A gaming console was connected to the aforementioned TV.

"So this is the living room. To the left is the kitchen, and one bathroom is over there." Zelk pointed to the corresponding rooms as Mega nodded. "Straight ahead is my bedroom and the guest room, along with another bathroom."

Mega followed Zelk into a surprisingly spacious room and set his backpack down on the bed.

"Is the room okay?" Zelk asked nervously.

Mega nodded in reply. Zelk let out a sigh of relief.

It was then that the two encountered a painfully awkward stretch of silence. Even the birds that were chirping loudly just a few seconds ago went silent.

A minute passed, and it was Zelk who broke the stillness at last. It wasn't surprising, given that Mega was a selective mute.

"So… what do you want to do? I think I have an extra setup somewhere if you want to play Minecraft."


"Sure! Let me go find a keyboard and mouse."

Mega shook his head.

It's fine, I can play on my laptop

"Are you sure? I wouldn't mind searching for the missing parts."

Mega nodded.

"Well… tell me if you ever change your mind."

They split up and went to their rooms. Mega appreciated the convenient desk and gaming chair placed against the far wall in his room. He sat on the chair and was pleased by how comfortable it was. Thank you, Zelk.

Zelk booted up his PC as Mega opened his laptop and entered the password. Noticing the low battery, Mega looked for a close enough outlet to plug his charger into. He found one to the right of his chair.

They almost simultaneously joined Hypixel. Mega sent a party invite to Zelk first since he had instinctively made it into a competition.

Zelk nicknamed himself, but Mega could still get recognized. They just had to hope that they didn't get targeted.

After several sweaty games, with more wins than losses thanks to Mega's PvP skills, Zelk and Mega took a break. Through the window in his room, Mega could see it was getting dark outside. He assumed Zelk also realized by then.

His assumption was confirmed when he heard Zelk's door creak open from across the hall, a noise soon followed by the sound of Mega's own door swinging open.

"Hey, Mega, is there anything else you want to do today?"

I want to sleep

Adjusting to a new environment sapped a surprising amount of energy from Mega. Exhaustion had snuck up on him without a warning, and Mega could already feel his eyelids growing heavy with sleep.

"Oh, okay!"

Zelk paused.

"You have enough clothes, right?"

Mega was truly touched by Zelk's concern. No one had cared about him before, not even his parents.

Thank you, but I'm good

"Alright. Good night, Mega."

Mega made a small shooing motion toward Zelk, signalling that it was time for him to leave the room. Zelk backed out quickly and closed the door behind him.

Even though Mega was genuinely tired, he decided he wanted to observe his new room before sleeping.

On a dark wooden nightstand beside the bed sat the most beautiful piece of furniture Mega had ever laid his eyes on. He knew how weird it sounded, but the lamp was just… perfect. He was appalled by the fact that he didn't notice it sooner.

There was a large crescent moon in the center, held up by a black pole dotted with glittering silver stars, emitting a soft white glow. Two carefully positioned rings circled the moon, and a translucent pale blue sphere circled the top half of the lamp, tinting most of the light a faint blue. Splotches of white in the shape of clouds littered the blue material like stars would in the night sky.

He debated whether he should ask Zelk if he could keep it or not. Pro: I gain a priceless lamp. Con: I don't even want to imagine what that conversation would be like…

Mega decided to leave it for now. He was in no rush to move anyway.

He flopped down on top of the blankets, letting a dreamless sleep claim him before he could bother to get under the covers.

Good night, Furry friend.


We're approaching the place where I left off in my original drafts! Yay!

The shoutouts this chapter go to: MariaThedumbwolfdog for voting and commenting, ICantOfAName for commenting, and last but most certainly not least, to Starr4f1ffo again for being incredibly supportive as always! Thank you all.

Word Count: 1022

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