Chapter 2: Chucky vs Slappy

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Chucky stood up inside the ventriloquist shop, there are cobwebs all around and layers of dust in every angle. "Guess I got to lay low here..." He walks in the dark shop and looks around for a few seconds until suddenly the lights turn on! 

"Welcome~!!" A mysterious voice calls out to greet him. The voice startles Chucky who immediately pulls out his signature kitchen knife and looks around. 

"Who the hell said that! Show yourself!" He circles around; looking at all the dust covered dummies until he notices one that is eerily staring right at him. A dummy perched on top of the shelf in a tuxedo, it was the only dummy within the whole shop without a trace of dust. Chucky quickly aims his knife at this suspicious doll. "What the hell you lookin' at buddy?" 

The dummy blinks which causes Chucky to back away slightly. Then it spoke "I'm looking at you, Tony! That was quite the entrance you made!" 

Chucky waves his knife at the creepy dummy "My names not Tony! It's Chucky!" He didn't seem bothered by the talking dummy since he is a talking doll. But found its creepy look annoying.

Suddenly, all the lights shut off, Chucky is startled as his vison goes all black. He backs away as he hears a loud clapping sound growing closer to him. It stops and all the lights turn back on. The dummy was gone!! Chucky panics, looking from side to side before realizing his knife was also gone. 

"My mistake Scarface..." The voice of the dummy calls out from behind him. Chucky is frozen but slowly turns with obvious signs of fear. He looks back and sees the Dummy standing behind him, knife in hand. 

"...Well...CHUCKY, it's Knife to meet you, hahaha~!!" He laughs menacingly while waving the knife. He then aims the knife at Chucky, who was completely paralyzed to be bested by this dummy.

But suddenly, the doors behind them flung open and several police officers enter the abandoned shop. "FREEZE!!!" They ordered, pointing their guns directly at Chucky and the Dummy. "There's no where to run Chucky! You and your Dummy buddy are coming with us!"

Chucky panics and looks at the Dummy who was still facing him, his eyes shifting to one of anger the moment the police called him a 'Dummy' "Who are you calling dummy!? Dummies!!" The lights quickly shut off once again, loud claps can be hear and police officers screaming in pain.

Then the cries of the police went silent and the lights turn back on. Chucky looks all around to see the officers were all gone! In their place, dummies wearing police uniforms. The Dummy standing in front of the lifeless dolls "Fuck the police"

But as the Dummy celebrates in getting rid of the officers, an obese cop who was late to the scene enters!! He Immediately kicks the Dummy to the floor and knocking the knife from his hand. "You son of a bitch!! You killed my senpai!" The obese officer shouted before reaching for his gun. 

Chucky saw the knife slide to him and quickly grabs it as the officer was distracted by the Dummy. He throws the knife at the cop just before he was about to shoot the dummy and hits his foot; killing the cop instantly, Call of duty style.

Dummy Thicc: Chucky x SlappyWhere stories live. Discover now