The 1st Chapter

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        "Dimitri, kiss me." Quelly ordered her newly awakened butler. Dimitri came closer to Quelly.

        Quelly is a manipulative and naughty girl. She found a badly injured man in an alley. She pitied him. So, she went back into her laboratory and brought out a pulley to support the injured man. Fortunately, for her,  the man isn't that heavy. She easily supported his back and placed him on the pulley.

        Since the man is dying because of his injuries, Quelly decided to save him. She is a gifted child. She can easily operate a person without training. Well, she reads a book and memorizes everything that she read on it. Also, she's having difficulties communicating with other people. But, she has a few friends. That, we will know later.

        Dimitri held Quelly's waist and leaned on her. Quelly closed her eyes. Dimitri gave her a closed-mouthed kiss. Even so, Quelly liked it. As I have told earlier, she is a naughty girl. Yet, she has still no experience in having a boyfriend. Lucky her, she met Dimitri.

        Quelly broke the kiss and said: "Good, so Dimitri, what is your mission?"

        Dimitri recited every detail on his memory chip. Quelly sat down and listened to what Dimitri was saying. He said: "My mission is to protect and be with my mistress' side at all times. If the time comes, I, Dimitri the butler will only leave and be assigned to a new master if my current mistress has a boyfriend and she no longer needs me."

         Quelly smiled. "Well, let's go around the city and test the skills, I put on your chip." She's so overjoyed that she met Dimitri. Meeting him is the start of her new adventures with him. As they were walking around a park, a very pretty man, approached them. "Hello, Quelly!"

        Quelly stared at him and asked: "Who are you and how on earth did you know my name?"

        Dimitri felt his mistress' uneasiness and pulled her behind him. He glared at the pretty man. The pretty man felt uneasy too, but composed himself and said: "Sorry for my sudden intrusion, I'm Wiliam Lawrence M. Von Dutch." He gave Quelly his business card. Quelly took it. She read the words:

  William Lawrence M. Von Dutch

    Von Dutch Corp.

She raised an eyebrow at him and knew what he wants. She then answered to what seems, William Lawrence wanted to ask if she wasn't that smart. "Well then, I'll work for you, Sir William!" she said in a serious yet confident tone.

        "Oh, you can call me, Lawrence, since I want my "Elite" employees to be comfortable with me."

        "Elite?"Quelly gave him an innocent look. "Why, yes, aren't you friends with A.B.?" She looked at him and raised her eyebrow at him again. "A.B. you have a friend with that initials right?"

        Quelly suddenly turned around and started scanning the park. She smirked and found a bush moved. Bushes don't move unless it's being blown by the wind. And it's not that windy. She reached through the bush and pulled a man's ear. "Ouch! Stop it, Quelly it hurts."

        "How many times have I told you to never interfere my life without my consent?!"

        The guy whose ears are now red from Quelly's grip, is none other than Alfred Beet. He's one of her, few friends. He's also her guy best friend. They knew each other at highschool. Until, they met years later and became inseparable best friends. Quelly considers him as a brother and her special person. Were they romantically involved? The answer is never. Hahaha!

        "Stop laughing, Author this is not a comedy!" Quelly got angry and was about to attack me, fortunately Dimitri held either of her  wrist and said: "There are more important matters to attend to at this moment Mistress." Quelly calmed down and glared at  A.B. instead.

        "Come on, Quelly I just want to surprise you." A.B. patted Quelly's head and by doing so, she calmed down. You see, Quelly is a really fickle person. She has mood swings. She gets angry fast and calms down when people pat her head like a dog. Wahahaha! I wonder if she has a tail will it wag too? Wa~ha~ha... ooops! That was close. Quelly almost hit me with a rock. If my reflexes wasn't that alert, I could've been injured. Anyway, stop glaring at me Quelly, time is of essence. Carry on!

        Quelly confronted A.B. and said: "Where's R.D.?" A.B. answered: "She's waiting at our favorite cafe." All four of them, went to the cafe, wherein R.D. is waiting. She is Quelly's girl best friend. They became friends after Quelly opened up to her, when they were in their junior year at highschool. They both love Anime. That's why, even after they got separated after their highschool graduation, through A.B., they reunited.

        "R.D.!" Quelly run towards her. "Ra... Quelly! hahaha! Sorry!" Why the sudden apology? Quelly isn't her real name. Her real name is... Hey! stop throwing coffee beans at me! It's not my fault that I named you after me! Arggh! Fine, I'll shut up now ok? And so, Quelly stopped harassing me with the coffee beans. Gosh, such an insensitive, evil brat you are! Quelly glared at me and faced R.D.

        "Hey, Ryn Do, did you know that A.B., fooled me?"

        "Nope!" was the answer of  Ryn Do to Quelly.

        Quelly looked at R.D. closely and she just rolled her eyes at her. "Haist, whatever!" Quelly sat down and ordered a Strawberry Frappe. She really loves Strawberries.

        "So, who's this cute and doll-like man, your boyfriend?" asked R.D. "He's Dimitri, my butler."

        "Seriously?!" R.D and A.B. both shocked by her statement. R.D. thought that her best friend have got to be kidding them.  "Yes! I saved him from instant death and he's not just my butler, he's my android butler." Still, shocked from her sudden revelation, A.B. and R.D. looked at Dimitri.

        "Wow! You really have potential, Quelly, Welcome to Von Dutch Corp.!" said Lawrence.  Quelly sipped her Strawberry Frappe and shook the hands of Lawrence. "Please, take care of me and Dimitri. She gave Lawrence a wide but cute smile. Lawrence blushed.

Next chapter: Lawrence brought Dimitri and his Mistress to the Von Dutch Corp.

        Later, Lady Author and Dimitri will marry and live happily ever after. "Hey! as if I'll make that happen, Author!"

See you all in the next chapter!!! Ba-bye! ^_^

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