Meeting The Guardians

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Meanwhile Ebony Maw is interrogating Dr. Strange. Dr. Strange is floating horizontally, face down, and is surrounded by dozens of glassy needles, each about two feet long. In all the time I've served Thanos, I've never failed him. If I were to reach our rendezvous on Titan with the Time Stone still attached to your vaguely irritating person, there would be... judgement. The needles start to contact Dr. Strange's face, causing an obviously painful whitish subcutaneous glow at each touch. "Give me... the stone." Ebony said. You and Tony are watching, hidden, from above. The Cloak of Levitation taps you on the arm. You raise your hand to it, ready to shoot, but you see what it is and stand down. "Wow you're a seriously loyal piece of outerwear, aren't you?" Tony asked. "Yeah, uh, speaking of loyalty...."  you, Tony and the Cloak turn to face Peter, dropping down from above.

"What the--" Tony said. "I know what you're gonna say." Peter said quickly. "You should not be here." Tony said. The Cloak moves to "stand" at your side. "I was gonna go home--" Peter said. "I don't wanna hear it." Tony said. "But it was such a long way down and I just thought about you on the way..." Peter said. "And now I gotta hear it." Tony said. The Cloak shakes its collar in sympathy and shrugs. "And I kinda stuck to the side of the ship. And this suit is ridiculously intuitive, by the way. So if anything, it's kinda your fault that I'm here." Peter said. Your eyes widened in shock as you looked at Peter. You'd admit, he had some guts to speak that way to Tony. "What did you just say?" Tony asked as he stepped closer to him. "I take that back. And now I'm here in space." Peter said. "Yeah." Tony crosses to stand right in front of Peter. "Right where I don't want you to be. This isn't Coney Island. This isn't a field trip. It's a one-way ticket. You hear me? Don't pretend like you thought this through. You could not have possibly thought this through." Tony said.

"No. I did think this through." Peter shot back. "You could not have possibly thought this through." Tony said. "I did think this through! you can't be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man if there's no neighborhood." Peter said. You smiled at him. "Okay. That didn't really make any sense, but you know what I'm trying to say." Peter said. "He's right. You can't do this alone, Tony. Let us help." You said. Peter looked at you then smiled. "Hey, I remember you! We met once before, right? It was.. we were..." Peter tried to remember. You smiled at him. "At the airport battle in the Leipzig Halle Airport." You said. "Yeah! Right. The airport battle. Wow, that was some time ago, huh?" Peter asked. You smiled and nodded. "Look, I'm sorry for any harm I did to you back in the fight, I just, I..." You smiled at him. "Hey, it's okay. At the end of the day we were all just fighting for what we believed in, right? And there's nothing wrong with that." You said. Peter smiled at you. "At least we're all on the same team this time, right?" You asked.

You held out a hand for him. "Friends?" You asked. He smiled and shook your hand. "Yeah. Friends." Peter said. Tony smiled at the sight, unknown to you and Peter. But it disappeared quickly and he cleared his throat, catching yours and Peter's attention. "Anyway," he began. "We got a situation." He leads you and Peter over to a viewpoint on the torture below. Peter crouches to study the situation, the Cloak leaning over his shoulder. "See him down there? He's in trouble. What's your plan? Go." Tony said. "Um. Okay, okay... uh... " Peter and the Cloak pop back upright. "Okay. Did you ever see this really old movie, Aliens?" Peter asked. You nodded while Tony just looked confused. The Cloak lifts its collar in surprise. Meanwhile Ebony Maw interrogating Dr. Strange, who groans loudly. "Painful aren't they? They were originally designed for microsurgery. And any one of them..."  At the "thump" behind him, Maw turns to see you and Iron Man standing there, Iron man has hand repulsors ready to fire, as you get ready to fire beams from your hands.

"Could end your friend's life in an instant." Ebony said. "I gotta tell you, he's not really my friend. Saving his life is more a professional courtesy." Iron man said. "Tony." You said. "What? It's true." He said. You rolled your eyes. Ebony slowly walks towards you and Iron Man, beckoning very large, very solid metal objects to float behind the two of you. "You've saved nothing. Your powers are inconsequential compared to mine." He said. "Yeah, but the kid's seen more movies." You said.

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