Thanos crushes the Tesseract, revealing the blue Space Stone. He blows some of the fractals away, fingering the Stone between his thumb and index, before placing it on the gauntlet, and is momentarily rocked by the surge of energy that pulses as the stone seats in its setting. "There are two more Stones on Earth. Find them, my children, and bring them to me on Titan." Thanos said. "Father, we will not fail you." Proxima said. "We're going to New York City and We will tear The Avengers Apart and Smash! Once and for all, my lord." Cull said. Loki emerges from behind the Black Order. "If I might interject... if you're going to Earth, you might want a guide. I do have a bit of experience in that arena." Loki said. "If you consider failure experience." Thanos said. "I consider experience, experience. Almighty Thanos, I... Loki... Prince of Asgard..." Loki looks significantly at Thor.

"Odinson... the rightful King of Jotunheim... God of Mischief... do hereby pledge to you, my undying fidelity." Loki said. Thanos twists the dagger out of Loki's hand with his right hand, then takes hold of Loki's neck with the gauntlet and lifts him to eye level. Loki struggles, kicking, as his throat is squeezed. He makes eye contact with Thor before he increases his force on Loki's neck. ": "Undying?" You should choose your words more carefully." Thanos twists the dagger out of Loki's hand with his right hand, then takes hold of Loki's neck with the gauntlet and lifts him to eye level. Loki struggles, kicking, as his throat is squeezed. He makes eye contact with Thor before he increases his force on Loki's neck. "You will... never be... a god." Loki said weakly. Thanos crushes Loki's neck, killing him. "NO!" Thor cried, but his screams were muffled. Thanos walks over and drops Loki's body in front of Thor. "No resurrections this time." Thanos said. Thanos raises the gauntlet, sends violet Power fire through the remains of the Statesman, and uses the Space Stone to teleport away with the Black Order. "No... Loki...." Thor is released from his bonds. He crawls over to Loki's body -- which, unlike in The Dark World, has not returned to its Jotun form -- and lays his head down on Loki's chest, shedding tears for all that he has lost. The ship explodes."(Y/n), wherever you are, please, be safe. And whatever you do, don't die." Thor cried. The Bifrost continues its journey, bringing you and Hulk across space to Earth.

[Sanctum Sanctorum, New York City]

Doctor Strange, Master of the Mystic Arts, proceeds down the main steps of the Sanctum with Wong. "Seriously? You don't have any money?" Strange asked his friend. "Attachment to the material is detachment from the spiritual." Wong said. "I'll tell the guys at the deli. Maybe they'll make you a metaphysical ham on rye." Strange said. "Oh, wait, wait, wait, I think I have 200." Wong said. "Dollars?" Strange asked. "Rupees." Wong said. "Which is?" Strange asked. "Uh, buck and a half." Wong said. Strange sighs. "What do you want?" He asked. "I wouldn't say no to a tuna melt." Wong said. You and Bruce crash-land through the Sanctum stairs. The Cloak of Levitation swirls around Strange's shoulders immediately. "Thanos is coming. He's coming..." you said. Strange shares a look with Wong, and now fully in his mage attire. "Who?" He asked.

Time Skip

In the Public Park, Tony Stark and Pepper Potts walk on having a conversation. "Slow down, slow down. I'm totally not kidding." Tony said. "You're totally rambling." Pepper said. "No, I'm not." Tony said. "Lost me." Pepper said. "Look, you know how you're having a dream, and in the dream you gotta pee?" Tony asked. "Yeah." She said. "Okay, and then you're like, 'Oh my god, there's no bathroom, what am I gonna do?', 'Oh! Someone's watching,' ''m gonna go in my pants.' "Right. And then you wake up, and in real life you actually have to pee." Pepper said. "Yes." Tony said. "Yeah. Everybody has that." Pepper said. "Right! That's the point I'm trying to make. Apropos of that, last night, I dreamt, we had a kid. So real. We named him after your eccentric uncle. Uh, what was his name?" Tony asked. Pepper nods in understanding. "Right." She said. "Morgan! Morgan." Tony said. "So you woke up, and thought that we were..." Pepper said. "Expecting." Tony said. "Yeah." Pepper said. "Yes?" Tony asked, getting excited. Pepper shakes her head. "No." She said.

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