Chapter 2

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        “I can’t believe we’re actually going to High Hrathgar! Isn’t it exciting, Adri?... Adri?” Catticus turned her head to look over at Adrienne, who was looking out at the woods. The brunette sighed before facing forward again and making sure they weren’t too far from Irileth and Jarl Balgruuf.

        The sun was shining and a nice breeze was blowing as the foursome made their way from Riverwood to Ivarstead. They’d spent the morning riding to Riverwood, and the way had been pretty clear and devoid of danger. At one point there had been a lone wolf, but by the time Irileth was off of her horse, Adrienne had shot it down with an arrow from many yards away. For the most part, it was turning out to be a boring trip, yet Catticus’ excitement still hadn’t died out.

        Adrienne sat quietly on Glacier’s back, staring off into the trees. After hearing Catticus go on and on about the meeting for two days, her excitement with the matter was dwindling. They were just going to another political meeting that would bore the girls to death, Greybeards or no. The only difference was the place. It wasn’t like there was going to be any change in how things went.


        “All right, remember how to act. Keep your back straight, your eyes on whoever is speaking, and do not interrupt. It may seem very boring to you, dear, but its very important to us. Oh, and please, do keep an eye on Catticus. Don’t let her get into any trouble.”


         Ever since the first time her mother had given her those instructions nine years ago, every political meeting had been the same, except for the fact that her mother was not present at all the ones after the first one. Adrienne shook her head, trying to clear her head of the depressing memories that threatened to play in her mind.

        She shifted her gaze to the road ahead, where her father and Irileth rode side by side on their horses, chatting about things going on in the hold or equally as boring subjects, she was sure. Beside her, Catticus was reading a book. Luckily, her old mare was smart enough to just follow the rest of the horses since Catticus was too busy reading to guide her. Adrienne chuckled quietly. The scholar never went anywhere without a book. Upon closer inspection, she noticed it was Cat’s old copy of The Book of the Dragonborn. The back cover was barely holding on, and the pages were yellowed and frayed. She watched her friend for a moment and noticed that the scholar wasn’t just reading, she was mouthing the words on the page as she went, taking the utmost care in turning the worn page carefully. It was like she was quoting the book instead of reading it.

        Not that this behavior was unusual. Adrienne knew she could quote much of the old book herself. She had no idea how many times her mother had read it to her and Catticus before she died or how many times they’d read it after that sad event. Sometimes when Adrienne was alone, she would take her mother’s copy and read her favorite part just to feel closer to her.

        The old book and the fond memories brought a smile to the Nordic girl’s face, and she reached into her pack, pulling out the very copy she’d been thinking of.

       “Because of this connection with the Emperors, however, the other significance of the Dragonborn has been obscured and largely forgotten by all but scholars and those of us dedicated to the service of the blessed Talos, Who Was Tiber Septim.” Adrienne read from the book, her index finger tracing the worn lines. Catticus looked over at her and they smiled at each other.


        “Very few realize that being Dragonborn is not a simple matter of heredity - being the blessing of Akatosh Himself, it is beyond our understanding exactly how and why it is bestowed.Those who become Emperor and light the Dragonfires are surely Dragonborn - the proof is in the wearing of the Amulet and the lighting of the Fires. But were they Dragonborn and thus able to do these things - or was the doing the sign of the blessing of Akatosh descending upon them? All that we can say is that it is both, and neither - a divine mystery.” The two finished reading the passage together, neither of them really even looking at the words. They didn’t need to; they knew it well. It was one of their favorite parts.

        “I didn’t know you brought your copy of The Book of the Dragonborn with you! I thought you’d left it back in your room.” Catticus said, looking at the slightly-less battered book. Unlike the scholar, Adrienne didn’t take the book everywhere, fearing she would misplace it. It was her mother’s prized possession, and Adrienne knew that losing it wasn’t an option.

        “I bring it to every meeting, Catticus.” she replied.

        “Oh, right. I forgot.” the Breton mumbled. They rode a bit longer in silence before either of them said anything.

“When misrule takes its place at the eight corners of the world

When the Brass Tower walks and Time is reshaped

When the thrice-blessed fail and the Red Towertrembles

When the Dragonborn Rulerloses his throne, and the White Towerfalls

When the Snow Tower lies sundered, kingless, bleeding

The World-Eater wakes, and the Wheel turns upon the Last Dragonborn.” Catticus quoted the prophecy of the Dragonborn from the book once she’d reached it minutes later. For some reason unbeknownst to her, Adrienne thought it sounded... ominous this time. It was strange, because she’d heard the prophecy so many times before. She shook her head again, willing the feeling to go away. There was nothing ominous about it. The Dragonborn was alive, and he was going to be at the meeting. Wasn’t that why there was a meeting in the first place, besides making a truce between the Imperials and Stormcloaks for a little while?

“You okay, Adrienne?” Catticus asked, pulling the girl out of her thoughts. She looked over and smiled reassuringly at the concerned scholar.

“I’m fine. Just tired, I guess.” She replied. She looked ahead at her father and Irileth again and saw that Ivarstead wasn’t too far ahead. The smoke from the homes there was visible up ahead. True to her father’s word, it was almost dusk, the long shadows from trees making the forest look much darker and much more dangerous.

“Hurry up, you two! We’re almost there!” Jarl Balgruuf called. The two girls looked at each other, a spark in their eyes and smirks on their faces.

        “Three… Two… One… Go!” They counted down in unison, both horses bolting at the same time. Of course it was obvious that Catticus’ mare was going to lose, but they laughed all the way to the Inn. Especially when Irileth nearly fell off her horse watching them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2015 ⏰

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