2-The Roommate

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Hi guys before we start the story i just wanted to say sorry for the
last chapter being so short. I'll try to make it longer this time😄 . Now onto the story

Mike's POV

YOU AGAIN! I said shocked, I didn't know what was happening. All I know is that I was terrified, It's not like i had anything to live for well to be a walking corps for. But as I looked into deep dark eyes my fear grew so I tried not to make eye contact with it, I was snapped out of my thoughts by a deep dark raspy mangled voice say *hi*, I was confused on why he didn't hurt me yet. W-who are you?!, i said stuttering. The the voice of the anamatronic then said what sounded like ennard.

🍝Ennard's POV

Hi i said in a awkward tone i could tell he was scared i didn't know why.

He asked who i was i said ennard . i then asked what his name was he responded with *michael, michael afton*. That's when it dawned on me, thats the same mike i used to go to school with, thats the boy i absolutely adored, THATS THE BOY I DATED IN HIGH SCHOOL! that's the boy who's heart i broke by getting killed by the og programming of ennard, THAT'S THE BOY WHO I KILLED, even if ennard was in control of me I still killed him. I woke up from my thoughts by mike asking if I was okay. I questioned why he was asking that. He then said that there was there was oil coming from my eyes. I said yeah.

Mike's POV

He asked what my name was. I then said michael michael afton. After awkwardly staring at Each other for a couple of minutes I realised that it looked like he was crying, I the asked if he was okay, he asked why i was asking. I then told him it was because there was oil coming from his eyes. He quickly wiped it off and said he's fine. I then felt a odd feeling in my chest, NO MIKE you just met him, I thought to myself. Then why does it feel like i know him, I continued thinking. I asked if he was hungry, he said yes, i told him he can have all the exotic butters from the fridge. He looked so happy, he really reminded me of him. I started getting flashbacks of me and noah, and then i started thinking about how worse my life was when he went missing. I started crying and having a panic attack which only led to me thinking about how i had to watch my family all die one by one and on top of that all of my "friends" left me. I couldn't breathe I passed out. Only to wake up what seemed like minutes later in my bed. I then remembered what happened. Ennard the dropped from the vents and said *glad your awake* I asked how long have i been asleep. He then responded with *about 2 or 3 days* *it looked like sleep you've been needing* my eyes widened hearing that. I'VE BEEN AWAY FROM MY JOB THAT LONG!!! I shouted. *yes and no* Ennard said. What do you mean i said concerned, *well you know how i scooped you and used you as a skinsuit* Ennard asked. Rather not talk about it but yeah. *well i kinda used you as a skinsuit did your job*. Weird, Disturbing, and gross but thanks I think.* your welcome I think* Ennard said back.   So you have anywhere to stay? I asked. N-no. Ennard said. Would you like to stay with me i asked. He then said yes.

Hey guys i made a somewhat longer chapter oh and another cliffhanger bish. bye oh and this time its 651 words

Michael afton x Ennard aka Noah (no smut)Where stories live. Discover now