Chapter Seven

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Kauro and Kojiro slept in the following morning, appreciating the weekend. The kids didn't have school, so Reki, Langa and Miya offered to help load up Kaoru's now old apartment and move him into Kojiro's. Kojiro was stuck at work, as was Hiromi, both both promised to help after their shifts.
As expected, Kaoru received a rather hasty email from his father's secretary, explaining that they would be giving him a week to get his things out of the apartment. His name was nowhere on the lease, and as much as Kaoru wanted to fight his father on the legal obligations he had as a land lord, he just wanted to be done with it all. By Sunday night, Kaoru had cleaned out his previous living space, leaving bittersweet butterflies to manifest in his stomach.
Kaoru was a complex man, but also was quite simple when it came to certain things. He knew he could start his own company, he knew he had made the right choice. But the fact that he didn't necessarily have a fool proof plan before, during or even after the meeting with his father spiked his anxiety. Over the course of the next three weeks, Kaoru had seen his therapist, Yua, and Kojiro had learned how to do some of the breathing techniques as well as the deep relaxation techniques to help calm Kaoru down. Yua was thrilled to hear about Kaoru and Kojiro being together, and helped him also work through more of his deep rooted pain, which also helped him work on the new pain from the recent events of his father. Kaoru was also trying to work on giving himself grace, not fully understanding how he had gone so long without seeing any of the red flags from his father. He knew it would come with time, but he was his biggest critic. But Kojiro was there, at his side, helping breathe through the panic attacks, the nightmares, and kiss away all his tears.


Within two months, Kaoru was back at 'S', more confident than he had been previously, and back to skating beefs with other skaters. The pair of boys were even more inseparable than they were before they had started dating. Nightmares only something that bothered Kaoru every great once in a while, and Kojiro was always there to help calm him down. They had a routine between them that worked out seamlessly, between trying to start up his own business and even helping host at Sia la Luce on weekends. He would claim it was to help keep order around the restaurant, but in all honesty, Kaoru was just enjoying the atmosphere. He loved being around Kojiro, he loved being able to help out. He secretly told himself he was working off any wine debt he had.
Kaoru also loved the random little surprises he would get to experience helping out at Sia la Luce. For example, if Kojiro had mentioned that Hiromi had brought Shokichi Oka in on a date, there was no way Kaoru would've believed him, but here they were. Kaoru saw it with his own eyes.
There were also the not so surprising things, like when Langa and Reki had come in for dinner, announcing they were now officially dating. Kojiro had hugged them and gave them an "it's about time" speech, leaving Kaoru to laugh heartily at the irony of Kojiro and Kaoru waiting years before realizing the other also loved them.


"You could call it, 'Carla's Calligraphy' or something." Kojiro mumbled, only half listening as he plated Kaoru's omelet for him. It was now Tuesday, both men having the day off, and were lounging. Enjoying each other's company, Kaoru sat quietly at the table, sketching away on his pad with different business name ideas.
Did he just hear him correctly?
Kaoru looked at him in pure disgust, absolute appall written all over his face.
"Does my talent sound like a cupcake shop or edible arrangement facade to you?!" Kojiro chuckled, now filling Kaoru's glass with orange juice.
"Hey, I'm just throwing names out there!"
He peered over Kaoru's shoulder, admiring his boyfriend's handy work.

"It really is beautiful. You're so talented."
Kaoru smiled at him, still sketching away different ideas.
Such a simple word he had heard so many times, but now it stuck out to him.
"Beautiful. Beautiful." Kaoru mumbled softly, now deep in thought.
"What about Callisto?" Kaoru asked softly, still deep in thought as he wrote on his sketch pad.
"In Greek it means 'most beautiful'. Or is that too much?" Kojiro's ears perked up.
"It has a nice ring to it, babe. Callisto Co. or something like that?"
Kaoru smiled, nodding excitedly.

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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jul 28, 2021 ⏰

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