2. No Sleep For The Dead

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Colin woke up on the couch; he was dazed and confused. His blanket had fallen down to his feet. He turned onto his back and placed his left arm over his face as the sun shown in from the window onto his face. After a few seconds of getting his thoughts together, he extended his right arm to reach for the digital clock that was placed on the small counter for a lamp. He grabbed it but before he looked at the time, he rubbed his eyes so he could get his vision into focus. He looked at the clock to see nothing. He had forgotten that the power went out. His phone died too since he wasn't able to charge it due to the outage. He looked around the room to see if anyone had woken up but they all were still sleeping.

He got up off of the couch and blew out the candles that had made it through the night without dying. He walked into the kitchen to see Blake pouring cereal into two bowls while Katie took the milk out of the fridge. Nothing was said between the three of them. Colin got a plate from out of a cabinet and then opened up a loaf of wheat bread. He placed two slices onto the plate and began to go through the fridge for something to but on his sandwich. He took out some jelly and looked inside of another cabinet for some peanut butter. He placed the two jars onto the island and began to unscrew them. Then suddenly, someone began to knock on the front door. It wasn't exactly knocking. It was more like banging.

"I got it." said Colin as he walked into the hallway and took a left to the main door. However it was that was banging on the door was making these weird grunting sounds. This made the hair on his back stand up. As he approached the door, the groaning seemed to get louder. He was at the peep hole and he was hesitant to if he should look into it. As he slowly moved his left eye closer it seemed that his heart started to beat faster. He moved his oceanic blue iris into the leans to see a very disturbing sight that made him jump back immediately. His heart was beating way faster than it should've been. It took him a second to gather his thoughts and as soon as he did he started to run into the living room.

"Everyone, wake up!" he called out. He tried to say it as quietly as possible but that wasn't going to happen, "Come on, guys; Wake up. There's some weirdo outside!"

Everyone started to wake up in a gaze. Wade was making this weird noise while waking up. Kimberly stretched out her arms as she stood up off of the sheets and sleeping mat on the floor. Elisha yawned as he rubbed his eyes.

"What are you talking about?" said Chloe as she rubbed and patted down her black hair extensions.

"There's someone outside!" he pleaded as he made his way into the kitchen to tell his older brother.

"Hey." He called out to his brother as he stood in the door way of the kitchen, "C'mon; you have to see this."

Blake heard the fear in Colin's voice so he got up and made his way towards the front door; Katie following behind. As Blake came closer to the door, the same eerie feeling that fell across Colin also embraced him. The banging on the door grew louder and the groaning became more unruly. The 18 year-old with a buzz cut leaned in close to the wall and glimpsed through the peep hole. He stared into the hole for about 3 seconds longer than Colin. During those three seconds his facial expression changed from stony-faced to utter most fear.

"Hey you!" he yelled at the door. "Get off of my property...NOW!"

The grunting and banging just grew more aggressive than it was before. It was as if his words were making the being angrier.

"If you don't leave...T-Then I'll come out there!" He tried to keep his voice from shaking.

Once Again there was no response...Just more banging and groans of anger.

"I warned you!" He yelled with bravery and fright.

Blake turned back to see the fear and curiosity among Colin's friends and his girlfriend. He began to walk towards them. But instead of acknowledging them, he made his way up stairs and into his room. Everyone's eyes were set on him. He eventually came back down with two metal baseball bats. One held in each hand.

"Catch." he said as he tossed the one in his right hand over to Colin.

"Wait. What am I supposed to do with this?" Colin asked angrily.

He continued on into the kitchen and stopped when he reached the back door. He then said, "Okay. Since this guy doesn't want to listen then we'll just have to get rid of him ourselves."

"Are you fucking mental?" asked Kimberly, "Why don't you just call the police?"

"They can't help us anymore." He said as he started to open up the door that led directly into the backyard of the house; leaving the others dumbfound as he walked to the left side of the yard and to a gate that led to the front of his home.

Colin went out the door in pursuit of him. Elisha grabbed two knives from a kitchen drawer and went out as well as Wade, Kimberly, Chloe, and Katie.

As they walked, Elisha handed Wade a knife and said, "Use it only if things get out of hand."

"But...Who am I going to be using it on?" he asked.

"I don't have the answer to that question. We'll just have to see how this all plays out." He said.

Now, everyone was up front and they all saw first hand at whom... what was at the front of the calm house. It was horrific...a monstrosity. They couldn't even tell if it was alive or not, even though it was moving and making sounds.

"What the h-hell is that?" choked out Chloe.

"Why does she look like that?" asked Kimberly, "This is a joke or something, Right?"

It noticed them and began to recklessly stumble in everyone's direction. It had a limp to its walk. Colin looked closer and noticed that there was a chunk of her calf missing and a piece of her neck missing as well.

"How is she still even moving???" Colin shouted; demanding to hear an answer to his question.

"Everyone, get back!" yelled Blake as he raised a hand signaling everyone to move. The so-called "woman" got even closer to the point were Blake could swing the bat and hit her in the skull.

He prepped himself to swing the wooden back. But, it was too late. She was able to grab him and push him onto the ground. She started to let out disgusting screams as she leaned in, trying to rip out his neck. She made chomping motions. You could hear the clamping from her teeth as she fought with him on the grass.

"BLAKE!" screamed out Katie, as she pushed Chloe away from her side and charged in to the fray. She started to grab the woman by her shoulders and tried to pull her off. But the woman leaned back and bit the adolescent girl on her hand and took a good amount of her flesh off when she jerked her head back. Katie's screams filled the quiet streets.

When he heard her screams, Colin came back to reality. Prior to her jumping in, he had stopped in his tracks from the gruesome creature that he was now unprotected from a building from. He was frozen and wasn't able to notice anyone or anything until she screamed. That's when Colin took his baseball bat and hit the woman in the back with the baseball bat. But she still was moving and trying to get his brother. He pulled it back again, this time over his left shoulder and then he swung and hit her off of him.

"This has gone on for too long." said Elisha as he ran up to the woman, who stumbled back up, and stabbed her in the chest. He pushed his body force on top of her and brought her to the ground.

"What are you doing just standing there???" shouted out Elisha as he stares straight at Wade, who was paralyzed with fear, "Kill her!!!"

Then a sound made everyone go quiet except for Katie who was steal silently weeping. It sounded as if a raw pumpkin was smashed with a sledge hammer. Elisha looked up at the woman's mangled face and flinched at the sight of it. He didn't even notice the splatter of blood over his face. Chloe had to look away and vomit because of the gruesome scene. Her left eye was crushed into her skull to the point that even piece of her brain were splattered out. The blood streamed from her head into the grass. What everyone did notice the most was the handler of the baseball bat that crushed the now unmoving maiden. It was held by Colin himself.

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