Chapter 1 - Good girl

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Things went faster back to normal in Westview, New Jersey than people might expect. Nothing remembered of the terrors hostage taking Wanda Maximoff, now better known as a being called Scarlet Witch, brought over the citizens of this fairly regular, almost boring little town. Families once drawn apart by the sheer will of a grieving woman reunited peacefully. It all seemed like a happy ending. But not for everyone.

„That makes $5.15", the cashier said without the slightest glimpse of patience.

„Okey-dokey", uttered the brown haired woman while fiddling through her wallet for some coins. The cashier sighed and kept her hands open. The line behind the brown haired woman grew longer and longer. She just bought a bottle of milk, a box of Mac'n'cheese and a stick of butter.

As she finally handed over the coins the cashier rolled her eyes.

„Thank you, Ma'am", she mumbled and handed over the receipt.

„Have a nice day", the woman said joyful with a bright smile. She was used to smile a lot. It was almost like all bad feelings were eradicated from her mind. She wasn't able to feel anger, grief or sadness. She was supposed to smile and be happy. Painfully happy. At least that was the role she chose, as she once said. But she didn't know what she unleashed on that very day the magic walls of the hex came down.

That was now supposed to be the reality she had to get used to. Being a powerless mindslave to an entity capable of destroying all worlds. Powerless but happy. At least that was what she was supposed to feel. No, Agatha! These were forbidden thoughts. That wasn't the role she was supposed to play. She was supposed to be a nosey neighbour. Questioning anything besides that wasn't within her range of feelings. She wasn't a good girl when she behaved like that.

On her way home she came pass the public library of Westview. One of the few places in this town which reminds of the fight that took place. Two Visions had an very intensive talk about some weird ships in there. Agatha didn't mind. She had other plans. She wanted power. But this isn't what she craves for now. For now she craves a good bowl of artificial flavored cheese noodles and anything on Disneyplus. Maybe some old classic like The sword in the stone. Reminded her of the good old days when she used to be a w- NO AGATHA! Bad girl! You're now Agnes Bohner. You're a nosey neighbour. That's all. No more discussions!

At the empty lot she paused. It's been the place where once Wanda's and Vision's house stood. It was created by chaos magic and it disappeared like everything else when the scarlet witch set the town free. She was her neighbour to the right.

"Honey, I'm home!", Agatha yelled joyfully when she entered the house next to the empty lot. For a few seconds there was just silence.

"Not this crazy woman again", the blonde guy with the beanie mumbled while he entered he hallway.

"If that isn't my husband Ralph!", Agatha said with a bright smile and headed straight to the kitchen, where she put down her bag of groceries.

"Look, Ma'am, you don't live here. You never liv-..", Ralph started saying but Agatha put her index finger on his lips and made a hushing sound.

"Don't, honey. Let me cook a delightful dinner for us two and then we can go over to another try of taming this tiger", she whispered and closed her sentece with a kind of seductive wink.

"I don't know who you are but I am not your husband!", Ralph said and pushed away her finger.

"Oh, we're now into roleplaying, huh? I'm the sexy intruder woman and you're the helpless man?"

"No! You're probably twice my age. I don't know you!"

If he only knew that Agatha was probably ten times his age. But nobody cared and she wasn't able to correct him. Stupid chaos magic.

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