Escape To/From Atlantis

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Huey:I'm pretty sure he doesn't actually know our names.

Dewey:Im sorry,what?

Huey:I think he called me Herbert once

Dewey:Don't be ridiculous, Hey Scrooge, when are we going to set sail, Scrooge.

Scrooge:In a momment,Sonny Jim

*Y/N whispers Dewey*

Scrooge:Oh sorry Dewey

*Huey puts Dewey a shirt*

Dewey:I will cram it down your throat.

Y/N:Guys, lighten up. We're on a deep sea expedition with Scrooge McDuck.

Scrooge:Mr. McQuack, chart a course. Next stop, the Lost City of Atlantis!


Scrooge:In about sixteen hours!

Huey:Shanty time!

*Hours pass as the shanty tape plays, everyone falls asleep but Dewey who becomes more and more agitated.*

Launchpad:Driving! Piloting! Driving! Right!

Dewey:Hey Scrooge,Y/N first mate Dewey, here. Your map's got us going the long way. I could probably find a shortcut if you let me...

Y/N:No I won't let you

Scrooge:Ah ah ah, lad. The shortest distance between two points isn't always a straight line.

Dewey:Okay, but yes it is. so if we just go..

Y/N:Don't even think about it

*Scrooge smacks Dewey away from the map. While distracted, Dewey snatches the map.*

Y/N:Scrooge Im going next to others keep an eye on him *mumbling*and don't lose him.

Launchpad:Driving! Hm? 

*Dewey erases Scrooge's route and replaces it with his own. Sub changes course.*

Dewey:Shortcut achieved. They will thank me later.

*and then submarine gets attack couple of times*

Scrooge:You kids are the death of me.

Y/N:Dewey why did you huh nevermind atleast your safe

Dewey:Dewey. Dewey will be the death of you.

Huey:Could we make a pit stop? I'd use the bathroom but it's, um, occupied.

Scrooge:For the love of, It's the middle of the ocean, there are no pit stops.

Y/N:Just hold it.

Launchpad:How about that conspicuously unmarked tanker?

*The boys go on to ship and use the toilet while Y/N and Scrooge is waiting and then they come out Huey washes his hands and they go back to their submarine*

Scrooge:The Drake Barrier Reef. Powerful currents combined with rocky terrain make it nearly impossible to navigate, but on that rare occasion when snow falls above the reef, the currents cool allowing safe passage to...

Loue:Are we there yet?

Y/N:Have some patience

Scrooge:I was just trying to...

Huey:Right side or the Left side?

Scrooge:Just let me...

Dewey:Look! there that thing is. We found it

Ducktales The Big Brother of the TripletsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin