Her face falls even more.  "Now I'm curious.  But I'll wait until break."

I nod and we start work.

The restaurant isn't busy today but it's certainly not empty.

Before I could wipe my eyes, it was my and Anna's turn to go on a break.

She grabs my arm, as usual, and pulls me towards the backdoor.

Once outside, she falls onto one of the flipped crates and I join.  She pulls her leg up with her and rests her chin on top of her bent knee.

"So, what's bothering you?"  I sigh loudly, letting my posture drop.  "Well you know that deal the lady made?"

She nods.  "I said no in the beginning.  But after I told you everything and went home, I found Steven in a fight with henchmen from the mafia."

She takes in a breath but stays silent.  "And you know what I did next.  My small self attacked them.  They easily overthrew me.  Apparently, Steven owes them money.  He wanted to start a business with Ben but he betrayed my brother.  Steven didn't pay the money back before the deadline."

The breath she held finally escaped her body, emptying her lungs, only to be filled with fresh air again.

"So . . . how much does he owe?"  I rub the back of my neck, massaging a small knot.

"He owes them 500 000.  But because he didn't pay them before the dealine, they moved it up to 501 000."

Anna sighs again.  "So I assume you called the lady and accepted the offer."

I nod.  "Yeah.  She's going to give me the money today.  And I'll get the 1 000 from my savings."

She shakes her head.  "No.  Let me pay half.  That's a lot of money to take out of your savings."

After arguing a bit, I convinced her to let me pay the full amount.  And she'll buy me something I might need later on.

I scoffed at her when she suggested this.  Knowing her, she'll probably buy me a packet of condoms or something.  But I agreed none the less.

She stands up.  "Okay.  Let's get back to work."

I sigh and stand up, dusting imaginary dust off of me.

We walk back inside.

The time flew by fast.  Soon it was the end of my shift.

The restaurant was empty, the speakers playing soft music.

The door opens.  Miss King enters.  Her clothes were cream coloured jumper suit. 

She looks around, her eyes covered by her sunglasses.

When she sees me, she lifts her glasses, resting them on top of her head.

She walks to me, the usual clicking of heels following her.

She comes to a stand still when she stands before me.

"Afternoon, Anthony," her voice indicated that she didn't want to be here.  I nod, not wanting to talk to her.

She grabs something in her handbag, the same colour of her outfit.

When she pulled her hand out again, a pristine white envelope followed.

She hands it to me.  "Here's the money I promised."

I take it.  "Now, I already spoke to your boss about quiting.  I'll give you my address on Friday.  We'll start your training on Saturday at 9.  The same applies to Sunday."

I nod.  "Thank you, Miss."  "Please, call me Jasmine.  We are business partners after all."

"Thank you, Jasmine."  She nods.  Without saying anything else, she turns around and exits the restaurant.

After that happened, I put my apron away and walked home.

I fall onto my bed.

Now I just need to give them the money.


If The Shoe Fits (MxM; Omegaverse)Where stories live. Discover now