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"and that's.. 997 , 998 , and 999 ! we're one away !" xiao exclaims to venti , who was still by his side. picking up the last square of paper , he starts folding again. folding cranes has now become one of his favorite past times , especially because he only did it by venti's side.

there were people talking outside the room, but he paid it no mind as it wasn't really bothering him.

his hands move fast , excited to drop the thousandth crane in the paper bag next to him.

"1000 !" as soon as he says this , the talking outside the room has escalated to yelling. the voice had sounded familiar , so xiao decided to check out what was going on outside.

"sir , you can't just say things like that ! We're going to have to hear from family first before carrying out a decision like that !" , the doctor yells , clearly frustrated.

"he has no family ! he gave me all rights to decide, doctor , and i think it's time it should be done. this has been going on for two years. and let's be honest , he isn't getting any better. let's not do this to him anymore." , the other man says , tired.

poking his head out the door, he soon realizes that the man was none other than zhongli, his friend, and to his beloved, his closest aide. they could be considered family since they grew up together.

"hey.. zhongli!! what are you doing here? i haven't seen you in ages" he says, happy to see an old friend.

"yes.. hello, xiao"

he is the same as ever, uptight, unfeeling.


"look, xiao. i came here to talk to you about something."

xiao nods, signalling him to go on.

"i think it's time we pull the plug."

his face was the same as ever, but at that moment, xiao could not contain his rage.

"you can't do this ! you fucking monster , how DARE you ? and i thought you were FRIENDS."

"shut up , you don't know ANYTHING. he asked me to do this ! this is torture to him. he deserves freedom , xiao. you can't keep on doing this. let him go , it's over."

"i won't! are you fucking crazy? freedom? he's the love of my life, not some random person! let him go? fuck you! we made a promise back then and i'm keeping it. fuck off, zhongli, you don't have a say in this!"

sighing, zhongli pulls out a piece of folded paper from his pocket.

"actually, i do. this is a signed contract between me and venti with HIS decision on pulling the plug. i'm sorry, xiao, but as much as you love him, and as much as he is my family, we can't do this anymore."

xiao, enraged, walks up to zhongli and slaps him across the face.

" fuck you."

running out , his eyes are blinded by tears as he sobs by the glass doors of the hospital.

and not even a week later, he gets a call from the hospital to take his stuff home ;

and that venti was gone.

a thousand paper cranes - xiaoven au shortOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora