Trauma & Sick Days

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[A/N: Mentions towards my fanfic Sick Haze for Blue Lions.]

Red Wolf Moon: Month of Remire Tragedy

Jeralt could understand his daughter's distress as they left the infirmary behind them. Remire had been where Jeralt had fled to with a tiny newborn infant Byleth and stayed as he formed his own group of mercenaries. It was where Byleth had discovered her ability as an attack mage and where she stayed until he deemed her old enough to travel at the age of five. That little village was also where they had met Dimitri, Edelgard, and Claude that fateful dawn back in Great Tree Moon. 

For once he was grateful Rhea would be permitting him and Byleth to work together for the mission ahead. But the hoarfrost and frigid cold air signaled the year reaching its end as winter once more held the continent of Fodlan in its icy embrace. With the red harvest moon's return it made the giant and regular wolves restless, casting them in an eerie red hue at night. Thus the name for this month being Red Wolf Moon. It did not take them long to reach his office as he turned to his daughter, "I'll be making preparations for Remire in my office, what about you?"

No response as Byleth looked again distant and lost in her thoughts. "Byleth?"The young professor was jolted back to reality at her father's voice. She realized they had arrived where the hall split off in different directions.

"Oh, sorry father. I guess I let my thoughts wonder off cause of what's happening. What will you be doing now?"she asked.

Jeralt sighed as he looked at her with concern. Byleth seemed out of sorts today he had noticed since running into her in the hall as they both went to the infirmary. "It's alright, I'm worried as well."he reassured his daughter, "As I said, I'll be in my office making preparations. What about you?"

"I've got to plan out this month's lessons and help Felix with his abilities as an attack mage. Then afterwards I have to help Dimitri figuring out better ways to control his crest's strength. Why do you ask?"asked Byleth curiously.

"If you have the time, it would be helpful if you could go ahead and talk to the knights."asked Jeralt.

His daughter was about to reply before he noticed to his horror she suddenly began to fall as she fainted. "Hey what's wrong?!"he yelped as he swiftly caught her and knelt down so not to fall over himself. Jeralt had forgotten how heavy his daughter had gotten despite her petite frame. It showed Byleth had grown up healthy and strong. These fainting spells happened like clockwork every Red Wolf Moon for his daughter but this had happened far sooner then expected. He was not sure why they happened or how but every time Red Wolf Moon seem to leave her very unwell. It was why he never took jobs during this moon to begin with. Byleth let out a moan as she came to looking up at him with bleary eyes before they cleared but remained dull.

"Ugh...I'm ok, father. Just got dizzy all of a sudden."sighed Byleth as she looked up at her father before she slowly sat up. She looked so pale to Jeralt and it worried him greatly. 

"If anything feels off, return to the infirmary. No need to just grin and bear it."Byleth slowly nodded as she got back up to her feet with a little helping hand from her father. "Got it?"

"I'll keep that in mind."she nodded as she walked off to be on her way.

Jeralt though was not completely convinced at the façade his little girl was putting on. For now he would keep an eye on her when possible. By that afternoon though as he was just leaving the knight's hall he saw Manuela rushing by with Flayn. 

"Hey, what's the rush!?"he called.

Flayn stopped to catch her breath, "You go on ahead Professor Manuela. I'll catch up later."

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