"I'm just putting it out there. And besides, I've known them and seen how they act together. He always calms her." Ryu shrugged again.

Katsuki smirked a bit, which wasnt helping the situation. Keigo glared at him, ready to punch him, kick him, anything really... He really hated him.

"I'll go." Momo volunteered, but Katsuki was already gone.

"He already went, Momo." Eijiro sighed. "This is gonna be a disaster."

Katsuki made his way up to your room, but you didnt answer your door. He checked in the garden, and you werent there either. So he checked the dance studio.

You were there, putting on your pointe shoes. You felt a pair of eyes looking at you, and you looked up, seeing Katsuki. The studio was open, I guess you could say. It was glass walls, so anyone could look in or out.

You sighed and waved him in. He hesitated for a moment, and then walked it. You sat on the floor, and he sat right next to you.

"Are you okay?" He asked quietly, and you shook your head. Tears were threatening to fall, but you held them back.

"I can't believe that he would actually think something like that..."

"He's an ass, thats what ive been telling you." Katsuki grumbled, rolling his eyes.

You stayed quiet for a moment, and rested your head on his shoulder. "We were doing so well... And then... I dont know.."

Katsuki stayed silent, just listening.

"We do so well for a couple weeks, and then we fight. I cant take it.."

"Then dont." He said, lifting your chin up to look at him. His thumb grazed your bottom lip, as he started to lean in close.

It was almost like slow motion. Your thoughts were running wild. You didnt want to kiss him, only because you thought it would be like you seeking to hurt Keigo, or some kind or revenge. But at the same time, if Keigo was worried, youd give him something to worry about.

You loved Keigo, you did.. But it was getting too much. And Katsuki, he was always there for you.

Screw it.

You cupped his face gently, and met his lips with yours. He was shocked, but glad either way. He cupped your face and tilted his head, deepening the kiss.

You felt guilty, but it was nice in the moment. And you knew Katsuki was enjoying it too.

You pulled away slowly, and put your head down. "Im sorry, I shouldnt have done that." You said, bringing your knees to your chest.

"Its okay.. Im wasnt complaining." He chuckled.

"Not like you could." You laughed. He laughed with you a bit, and started to lean in again. You were about to as well, but something in you told you no. You turned your head a bit, but Katsuki turned you back.

"Look at me." He said quietly, leaning in again. This time you stayed still, and allowed him to kiss you.

"Hey, there you- Woah!" You heard Eijiro's voice in the room, and you pulled away immediately and stood up. You were thankful it wasn't Keigo. He covered his eyes with his hand, and turned away.

"Eijiro!" You sounded relieved, but still terrified.

"You guys were kissing?!" He snapped his head, and looked at the both of you shocked.

"No, well, yes, but it wasnt like that!" You tried and covered up. "You cant say anything.."

"You want me to keep a secret like this..?"

"Please Eijiro.."

"Or you could tell Keigo. That way you dont have to marry him and can marry me instead." Katsuki smirked.

You bite your lip and grabbed onto your head and shook your head. "Eijiro you really cant say anything! Keigo will loose all trust in me."

"Well, I came here to tell you that hes waiting for you in the garden..."

You nodded and started to take off your pointe shoes.

"Youre not going are you?" Katsuki asked, tilting his head. "Make him wait on you."

"No, I need to talk to him now." You told him, putting back on your usual shoes.

"Y/n, its not very manly lying about something like this..." Eijiro lowered his head. "I know I have no place in this, but I think you should tell him... He told you the truth about that other girl."

You looked down and sighed. "I know. And you're right..."

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