Crumbling Friendships

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"Don't be absurd," Hermione said dismissively. "I've made it this far through the year. I'll make it for a few more months."


"Claire, I said I was fine! Now, leave me alone!" Hermione snapped earning her a "shhh!" from Madam Pince.

"Fine, then. I'll see you later." Claire muttered walking out of the library.

Claire turned the corner when she bumped into someone.

"Sorry," Claire said.

Claire then recognized the someone as Jason. Claire's cheeks burned and she quickly turned the other direction but not before Jason grabbed her wrist.

"Claire, I need to talk to you," Jason said. "about what happened in the Room of Requirement."

"I'm pretty sure I know exactly what happened," Claire said. "There's nothing to talk about."

"Claire, just hear me out, please," Jason looked into her eyes.

Claire bit her lip and then sighed frustrated. "Fine. You have five minutes."

"I'm sorry that I kissed you out of the blue, ok? I haven't been completely honest with you, Claire. I've never wanted to be your friend. I've wanted to be something more than that." Jason began. "I really like you Claire and I know I've made several mistakes, but I'll just come out with it. Would you go out with me?"

"Jason, I—I," Claire didn't know what to say.

"How about this," Jason said. "we go on one date. That's it okay. To the next Hogsmeade day or anything you'd like and if you don't enjoy yourself then we could go back to being friends."

"Jason, I don't know, I mean I—" Claire cut off thinking about for a second. She sighed. "Alright, fine. The next Hogsmeade day we'll go together. I'll meet you outside Honeydukes."

Jason smiled. "Alright. So, were you heading to the Great Hall?"

"Yea," Claire replied.

"Want to walk together?" Jason said.

"Sure," Claire said.

Claire didn't feel as awkward with Jason anymore as they started to talk about music.

"I'm surprised that you know muggle bands being a Slytherin and all," Claire said, as Jason told her his favorite bands which were Nirvana, Oasis, and Metallica.

"I guess I'm full of surprises," Jason smirked.

"Oh, definitely," Claire agreed. "I actually got a signed copy of Nirvana's Nevermind on Vinyl for Christmas."

"Really?" Jason's eyes grew wide. "You should show me it."

"I can't," Claire said. "At least not until Professor McGonagall gives it back to me."

Jason looked confused and Claire realized she didn't tell him about how Hermione had told Professor McGonagall about Harry and her's Christmas gifts. After she explained, he seemed to understand.

"I think it was a good idea that Hermione did that." Jason said.

"She'd be glad to hear you agree with her," Claire replied.

"Where is she by the way?" Jason asked.

"In the library. She's trying to complete all her homework for her classes." Claire said, as they entered the Great Hall together. "Well, I guess I'll see you later, Jason."

"Bye, Claire," Jason went to sit over at the Slytherin table, who were eyeing the two of them suspiciously. In fact, all of the houses were staring at them suspiciously. Claire ignored it and sat down at the Gryffindor table. Next thing she knew, Harry and Ron sat in front of her. Claire noticed Ron looked as mad as Fred had been the other day. She also noticed that Harry also seemed to be upset which she didn't know why.

"Oh, so now you two want to talk to me?" Claire glared at Harry and Ron. "I thought you both were avoiding me because I sided with Hermione."

"What were you doing with Saxton?" Ron questioned.

Claire ignored him and continued to pile food onto her plate.

"Well?" Ron questioned.

"It's none of your business," Claire snapped. "Now, leave me alone and let me enjoy my food in peace."

Harry then blurted out, "You were snogging him again, weren't you?"

Claire was drinking water when Harry said this and choked a bit.

"What do you mean again?" Ron questioned looking furiously at Claire.

"How did you know about that?" Claire glared at Harry. Then she realized who told him. She was going to have some strong words with Hermione when she got back from the library.

Ron looked furious and he stood up from his seat. Claire stood up to.

"What do you think you're going to do?" Claire questioned.

"I'm going to go have a talk with Saxton." Ron said.

"No, you're not, Ron. Bud out of my life. I'm a big girl and can take care of myself, alright?" Claire was peeved. "There's no reason for you to talk to him. He hasn't done anything wrong. If I hear you did something, I guarantee you will regret it."

Claire was no longer hungry and marched out of the Great Hall frustrated with her three friends. Hermione had told Harry about the kiss. Harry blurted it out to Ron. And now Ron was trying to kill or seriously injury Jason. Claire climbed the stairs to Gryffindor tower. It was only a matter of time before Ron would tell the twins. She came upon Sir Cadogan's portrait. His face lit up with glee.

"Fair Maiden, how are—"

"Yellow Goblets," Claire said, not wanting to talk.

The portrait door swung open and Claire walked into the common room and saw Hermione sitting in the corner studying. Claire's eyes narrowed.

"You!" Claire exclaimed, making Hermione jump.

"Oh, Claire, you—" Hermione noticed Claire looked furious. "Are you alright?"

"You tell me, how would you feel if your friend promised you they wouldn't tell anyone about your first kiss because certain people would react badly if they found out, then that friend who promised you they wouldn't tell anyone, ended up telling someone, and that someone they told told the person who your friend knew would react badly to it?" Claire said.

Hermione's eyes widened. "Claire, listen, you told me not to tell Fred, George, or Ron and I didn't. I told Harry."

"How does that make it any better?!" Claire shouted.

"If you would just listen—"

"NO!" Claire exclaimed. "From this point forward it'll be like we were never friends."

Claire marched upstairs. Hermione watched as Claire left the common room to go upstairs. She didn't mean to make Claire mad. She needed to tell someone about the kiss because she didn't have a good feeling about Jason. Hermione didn't know what to do, but she wished in that moment she'd have never told Harry about it because she'd lost one of her best friends.

Drama! This chapter reminded me of those Soap Operas. It was interesting to write to say the least. Do you think Claire had a right to be mad with Harry, Ron, and Hermione? What did you think of this chapter? I know it was kind of short but that's because it's sort of a filler chapter.

Harry Potter and Claire Smith Adventures: Book ThreeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora