There was no furniture around so I sat in the next best place.

The oh so welcoming..


I open my current book, which is just one of those romance novels where two people fall in love when they are in two totally different social groups.

Yea, I won't believe it until I see it.

But I guess it's a nice idea to think about.

The old, falling in love thing.

Especially watching it in movies.

Because everyone knows, we can be married to the hot actors if we want to be.

Now that's, true love.

And plus, it is a way to skip the whole high school dating cycle.

They fall in love, another girl wants the guy, she kisses him, the other girl gets upset because she didn't listen to the guy's explanation.

Hashtag break up.

I need to stop.

"Okay Jennie you had enough time up there. Help unpack with the family!!" My mom again shouts from somewhere downstairs, and I walk down to help my family.


"And done." My dad says putting down the last object to make our place seem more like our old home back in New Zealand.

I am definitely gonna miss that place. Not for all the alligators and animals there, but my best, and well only friend, Chahee, who I basically grew up with.

Let me tell you, it was a long, long, long, and even longer car trip.

We stayed in about 4 different over night hotels.

Although we went to McDonald's a lot, I could never say I had too much of it.

Anyways, I am pretty much the basic nerd.

Not really anything special about that, believe me I know.

I wear big rimmed dorky glasses, I would get contacts, but that wouldn't be me.

Plus putting in contacts involves effort and...

Putting effort into things is gross.

I actually like getting good grades on tests and not failing just to look 'cool' in front of everyone else.


Good luck in college..


You know, if you get in.

I'm a good person.

I am half way up the stairs when I smell something that probably just brightened up my whole day.

"Velvet Cake!!!" Me and my brother scream at the same time and run into the kitchen. Yep, I took a test guys, we are actually related.

But the reason why we know it was velvet cake is because it's always been our families favorite.

Pretty much every time a cake is made, birthdays, holidays, it's velvet cake.

I guess it all started when my mom and dad were dating, they just shared the interest of the cake.

So, of course me and Taehyung would like it because we have it so much.

"No, No!!" My mom says slapping our hands away from the cake. And my day goes back into the black hole from before.

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