Bom looked around the room. There were two missing people. Taehyung and Jin. She badly wanted to see them. But she didn't show her sadness. She smiled for the rest of her brothers.

_5 days later_

Bom was taken to their old house again. Everything had been settled. Lee Jun Jihyun was dead since her head had come with a big impact. Peace had taken over the city. Also in their lives.

Bangtan had destroyed LJ group mercilessly. No pieces to be found.

The day was peaceful. Boys had arranged a small party in the garden for Bom. To welcome her again. To their family.

Everything was perfect. It was an outdoor party. Only for the close people. Seo joon and Jisoo were in charge of the barbecue place while others were arranging the tables and chairs.

Jimin was the one appointed as Bom's care taker today. He had gladly accepted the position. Bom was walking in the garden with Jimin's help. But she wasn't in a good mood. And Jimin noticed it.

"Bom,what's wrong?"

Bom was hesitant at first but she decided to ask."Oppa,where are Jin oppa and Tae oppa?are they okay?"

Jimin smiled sadly."You miss them?"

Bom nodded with a sad pout. Jimin was silent for a moment. But again he woke up his voice.

"Then why don't you raise your head and look ahead?"

Bom looked at Jimin confusely before looking ahead. She gasped loudly seeing two figures coming towards the garden. At first,Bom couldn't recognise but after a second,she immediately identified them.

The two men stood there smiling ear to ear seeing Bom. She didn't waste any second before dashing towards them without even caring about Jimin's shouts to not run.

She threw herself towards them hugging their necks at the same time. Taehyung and Jin also wrapped their arms around her.

She was crying. So hard that she is hicupping now. Taehyung and Jin also couldn't help but to shed tears in happiness.

"I-I-I am s-sorry. It's all because of m-me" she tried hard to speak but she was hicupping in between her sentences.

Taehyung, "What are you saying?! It's not your fault. Please just don't cry Bomiya"

Bom shook her head crying hard.

"Sweetheart, your brothers are okay. Please stop crying" jin also tried to sooth her.

Others have already stopped whatever they were doing and were staring at them.

"Please don't leave me again!" Bom cried tightening her hug.

"Will never sweetheart" Taehyung whispered and kissed the side of her forehead. Jin also kissed the other side of her forehead showering her with their love.

"Will she hug me like that if I get into an accident?" Jimin asked hoseok who was standing next to him only to receive a smack by him.

"Stupid,don't let Bom hear it. She will freak out. She doesn't like it when we are hurt"

Jimin smiled." I know"

Mafia step brothers 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora