Chapter 1-back together again

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Mevoda pov: Mev was sitting in the taxi a bored look on his face as he wrote down blueprints for a new support item for a hero.

It was to take his mind off a few things specifically the reunion. Yes he was pretty happy he could see his friends after all these years, but he remembered everything that happened over the school year and was a bit hesitant to come back.

The taxi driver told him they're almost too the destination. As the taxi drove up too the school Mev could see it out the window the school had changed barely changed in appearance from when he was a student. It was kind of nice seeing it again, Mev paid the Taxi driver and stepped out in front of the school.

Mev walked in and some students were there but they were only getting  ready to leave, some also stared at Mev which makes sense he is famous for making hero support items. While he was walking around he saw a very familiar face.

Mev: Mario how's it been old friend.

Mario was saying goodbye to some of his students he heard Mev and rushed over for a hug

Mario: It's been great Mev it's good to see, man how long has it been

Mev: Ten years man, sorry I haven't been keeping in touch.

Mario: It's fine I know you're busy running an entire company, (Mario still couldn't believe it), let's go to the teacher's lounge

They went into the teachers lounge Mario used his power to shock the soda the machine and out came two mountain dews

Mev: wow Mario you're a teacher really wanna use your power like that.

Mario: "Mario shrugged" Can't set a bad example if the kids aren't here.

Mev: But what about me I have a very impressionable mind.

Mario chuckled and Mev was glad he got too talk to his old friend as he took a sip of his Mountain Dew.

Mev: so Mario how do you think everyone else is I can't wait to see them all

Mario: I can't wait too. I just hope not all of them will be there

Mev nodded they both knew who Mario was talking about 

Mario: but let's not talk about that we need to get ready for the party anyway

Mev: Yup you um got a place where I can change

Mario: Just use the bathroom, I get changed in there all the time I practically live in school. "Mario laughs as he says that"

Mev laughed and went into the bathroom to change and as he changed he thought 

Mev: "It's nice seeing Mario again I can't believe he became a teacher here, wait no yes I can" He put the rest of his suit on "I'm glad everything here is calm now it's calmer than when I was a student" Mev smacked himself a little he didn't want to remember that, he was just gonna go to the reunion and have a good time, right?

Mario and Mev walked into the gymnasium where the party was being held they saw all of their classmates there too. Bri and austin were chatting near the punch (they somehow became a couple who could've guessed), Dan was trying to get Inmo and Ritchie to calm down, some guy in a half luchador mask was sitting by himself in the bleachers, colin was talking too seek although it looked like he did most of the talking, Kay was handing out cupcakes with Jakey, Mania was talking too Bryan, and our class president Nya was at the microphone about to give a speech

Nya: Hello old classmates and friends welcome to the class of 2000 reunion "everyone cheering" Now when we were students here we had some tough things to deal with and a  few friends we lost, but now's not the time to think about that now is the time to mingle, dance, and have a great time "everyone clapping

Mario: well you heard the women let's go

Mev: "I can't wait too see all of my old friends maybe coming here wasn't that bad of an idea after all"

???: So is it complete yet

??!: almost just gotta put on some finishing touches

???: good I can't wait for all of them too see and I can't wait for all of you readers to see it too well read it this isn't a video you can't actually see it, but anyway why don't I give you some spoilers the writer doesn't need to know

what kind of plan are these mysterious figures (that are obviously Xylo and Mitch) cooing up, tune in next time to figure it out (if he even decides to make a second chapter).

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