Cursed!Bf Au ideas

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Bf and Gf lived together before Bf was cursed

Bf was more or less homeless for a while before Pico found out what happened (might make a One-Shot about this)

Bf wore hoodies/long sleeve shirts so people couldn't see his arms cracking open from the curse (yes, this was painful)

Bf eventually visits Sarv and Ruv. Save is able to stop the curse from getting worse, but not able to completely remove it (this is why Bf's arms and legs and up skeletal)

Sarv basically adopts Bf (overprotective mom mode engaged!)

Tabi and Bf become friends, but it's still awkward

Whitty and Pico have a hard time trusting Tabi at first but eventually move past it

Side note! Bicobomb stuff in the Cursed!Bf au:

Bf, Whitty, and Pico eventually move in together

Whitty loves cats but Pico is allergic to them, so Bf surprises them with a hairless cat.

They name the cat Bongos (I was trying to type "Bingus" but autocorrect changed it to Bongos and I think that's even funnier, so now it's named Bongos)

Bf and Pico are total flirts, Whitty not as much

Whitty is easily flustered, and you know for a fact that Pico likes to exploit this

Bf can't cook to save his life. Pico doesn't allow him to use the stove anymore.

Whitty and Pico like to cook together, it something they bond over (especially since Whitty is always hungry)

They all comfort each other since they all have a lot of baggage

That's all for now.

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