The Party Starts

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When I decided on a time for the party I never thought everyone would show up half an hour before that time. Almost everyone is here and I was starting to panic becuase I still haven't found the gun. I was so dead. I have put myself and Dean in danger for a stupid gun that's not even in this damn mansion. 

Dean has made a part of the floor restricted for anyone under the age of 16. He is waiting for me to go and join he up with the mic to announce the start of the party. I take a deep breath before making my way towards Dean and tap his shoulder to et his attention. "Hey, ready to start this thing?" 

"Fuck yeah I am!" Dean exclaims. He has a massive smile on his face. He hands me the microphone so that I can get everyones attention. 

"Alright bitches!" I exclaim into the mic, I pass it to Dean who is continuing the speech while I make my way over to the CD player that my iPod is hooked up to in order to start the music. 

"Who is ready for this party to start?" Dean shouts and a huge round of screams is heard from everyone. That is my indication to start the music. I make my way to the light switch and turn the lights on in order for the strobes to be turned on. 

Everyone is on the dance floor, dancing with each other. That's when I see it. A glint of bronze metal sitting on the floor. I was a few feet away from it. I slowly walk over to it, making my way through the ground. I kneel down to pick it up. I have it. I actually have the gun. 

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