The Hunt

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I had to find that gun before the party started and also before 11pm or myself and Dean would die. Why the guy wanted a gun was still unknown to me, why he wanted to kill myself and Dean was again unknown to me. All I knew at this moment in time was that finding that gun was my ticket out of this twisted game.

Dean and myself are getting ready for the party to start. We both have our costumes on. Dean is a dead school boy, he is wearing an old school uniform which is ripped in different places and there is blood pouring over the cuts. My brother gets way too into Halloween ,he's even made a back story for his character. It was his last year at high school, really excited to get away from the hell hole people call school. But half way through the year he was brutally murdered by a creepy rag doll. Coincidentally, I am dressed up as the rag doll that killed him. I'm wearing a simple black and red rag doll costumes that I got a month ago. I made a wig out of black and red yarn and put it into two braids. I've got blood all up my arms and some smeared on my face.

I'm in the middle of putting the fruit punch on the table when a voices comes from nowhere saying "You have 6 hours to find the gun before you die." I put the punch bowl down and start to run around the mansion and into each room, tearing it apart, trying to find the gun. I had no luck, there was no gun in this bloody mansion. Not one. I was screwed, I was going to die and Dean was going to die as well, all because I couldn't find a bloody gun. "WHY ARE YOU FUCKING DOING THIS?" I scream. There is a harsh gust of wind, I fall by the force of it and before I know it the ghost is there. His eyes are still a blood red colour.

"Find the gun!" He whispers

"I've tried it's not here!" I shout. His face turns a bright white colour, his eyes go even darker.

The figure starts to glow and he starts to come towards me, I try to get up and run, but it's like there is a force pinning me to the ground and restricting movements in most of my body except for my mouth and arms. "Look harder!" Is all he says before he disappears into nothing. I feel the weight lift off of my shoulders.

I slowly stand up and dust my dress off. Once I know that I am able to run, I take off towards the stairs in the direction of a bedroom that I found earlier. I tear the room apart bit by bit trying to find the damn gun. "HOLY SHIT!" I heard Dean Shout. I drop the locket I have in my hand and run to where I heard Dean's voice.

I'm in the main landing of the house looking down at the entrance way, and sitting on the floor is Dean with the ghost boy hovering closer to him. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" Dean screamed

"My name is Alexander. I died in this mansion 100 years ago." The ghost said

"Nice try mate, who are you really and what do you want?" Dean said.

"I told you who I am and I'm looking for a gun, but I can't leave this mansion to look for it so I have told your beautiful sister to find it before eleven o'clock. If she doesn't find it then both of you die because you and her woke me up by entering this mansion and I want my gun!" Alexander said calmly to Dean.

"You're a fucktard." Dean said getting to his feet. Alexanders eye's went red and he raced towards Dean, passing through his torso and knocking him back back onto the ground. His blonde hair fall around his head like a halo and his eyes have gone dead, still the same electric blue colour but they have a dead expression.

"Dean!" I scream, I run down the last flight of steps and kneel down next to him. "Please wake up, wake up!" I beg.

"I warned you." Alexander said, but it came out of Dean's mouth. "Unless you find the gun I will take possession of the boys body and you will be handed over to my dear sister Elizabeth." My eyes widen in horror as I drop Dean's head and rush back upstairs. I'm not looking for the gun anymore, I'm just looking for a way out of this agreement with Alexander, maybe if we leave and cancel the party he will stop tormenting us.

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