Ch 16

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She notices something else in the box where the camera was. McKeyla picks it up, it was a necklace

(the necklace Mckeyla pulled out of the box)

(the necklace Mckeyla pulled out of the box)

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There was a note next to it

She reads the note out loud 

McKeyla: "I remember when we were younger you would always try taking this necklace. You would always want to wear it or look at it. After you ran away I tucked the necklace away and never touched it until yesterday. You should have it instead. I know we may never heal our relationship but I just ask you to keep this with you. love,  Hope"

McKeyla looks at the necklace and smiles 

A couple of days later back at the avengers compound

Tony: "great you are all here"

Hope: "what's wrong tony?"

Tony: "this"

He taps something on his watch and a video projects in the air

The video shows a person walking, they were dressed in all black with a black mask that had glowing red eyes. 

As they were walking, they were phasing. They took down 10 security guards within minutes

Scott: "Is that your sister Hope?"

Hope: "that's not possible, she is still in the raft. Besides, I don't think she can phase uncontrollably like that anymore"

Steve: "do we have any information about them?"

Tony: "nothing but this video"

Clint: "well that's helpful"

Tony: "well S.H.I.E.L.D wants us to find out who this is and bring them in"

Wanda: "what have they done that S.H.I.E.L.D wants them arrested"

Tony: "broken into many S.H.I.E.L.D facilities, warehouses, offices, etc"

Nat: "how long do we have?"

Tony: "3 days"

Sam: "3 days! That's not enough time"

Bucky: "I agree"

Bruce: "especially since we don't know anything about this person"

Tony: "well this is what they gave us" 

Tony pushes a button and a map projects in the room replacing the video

Tony: "these are all the spots the person has infiltrated. So based on the pattern, they are going to this base here in Vermont"

Bruce: "how long do you think we have?"

Tony: "at most. 4 hours so everyone suit up everyone"

An hour later they arrive at the base in Vermont

(anything underlined is through comms)

Steve: "everyone be ready for anything, we don't know what are dealing with" 

Sam: "don't you think it's awfully quiet here. Like where are all the agents?"

Tony: "this base has been abandon for at least 5 years"

Hope: "hey guys t-"

All of a sudden Hope gets thrown to the ground

Hope: "sh*t"

Scott: "hope are you okay"

Hope: "guys the person is here!"

Nat: "hope where are you? I'm coming over"

Scott: "Natasha behind you"

Nat: what?

Natasha turns around and there the person was behind her

The person grabs Natasha and flips her to the ground

Landing on her back

Nat: "oh f*ck, that's going to be sore later on"

Scott: "I'm coming over there"

Scott arrives and tries punching the person but  instead, he goes right through the person and lands on the ground

Scott: "Oh come on not this again" 

An hour later

Everyone is back at the compound

Steve: "there were 10 of us and that person took us all out in 15 minutes"

Tony: "well we are screwed"

Nat: "no sh*t sherlock"

Steve: "La-"

Nat: "steve I swear to god if you say language i will punch you. Now is not the time!"

Clint: "how is your back doing Natasha?"

nat: "it will be better in a couple of days"

Wanda: "well we now have 2 days to bring this person in, what are we going to do?"

Everyone is quiet

Hope: "I have an idea"

Tony: "no no no. I know what you are going to say hope, no."

Nat: "well it may be the only chance we have of getting this person" 

Sam: "may i remind everyone last time she tried killing most of us and most importantly you h-"

Hope: "yes i know that but she is the only person we know who has phasing powers and is the best chance we have of getting this person" 

Tony: "i don't know"

Steve: "what if we take a vote, it should be a team decision right"

Everyone agrees

Tony: "alright then. Raise your hand if you disagree"

Tony, sam, rhodey, and Wanda raise their hand

Hope: "than its settled, we get my sister"

tony rubs his forehead 

Tony: "god this is going to go wrong "

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