Where am i?

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Accelerator, level 5 number one of academy city. At the end of the third world war this made a magic song to save last order but the price was great internal damage in the body of our protagonist. This still his mission and now he would have to stop the star of Bethlehem, he summons his whirlwind wings that quickly change their shape taking a resemblance to white angels wings, he moves away from last order and goes full speed towards the star of Bethlehem

Accelerator: "I can finally see it, so this is how you feel when you proctet someone right? Damm hero. After this everything will depend on you."

Says the white haired boy with a smile as he hits the floating eath causing an explosion, he manages to deactivate the shields of the star but that was his limit, accelerator began to fall from a great height

Accelerator: "I see so that was all i can do, damm. I would have liked to be with that brat a little longer, well, it doesn't matter at least she is save and out of danger i entrust the rest to you, hero.

Says accelerator while closing his eye, all perception of his senses vanishes, sound, touch, smell, sight, and test. He couldn't feel anything seconds passed, accelerator then abruptly regains consciousness and wakes up with a very hyperventilate breath. When he comes down he begins to observe his surroundings

Accelerator: "Where the hell am I?" Asked accelerator as he looks around and sees his in some sort of cave

He doesn't get to question it as he hears a roar and screaming. Accelerator curiosity getting the better of him goes to the sound of where the screams are

After a little bit he walks and turns the corner and sees some bull head monsters walking up to a boy with white hair. And the boy baking up until he hit the back of the wall with a fear expression on his face

Accelerator deciding to help the guy and get the bull heads creatures attention

Accelerator: "Oi. Hey bull!"

The bull turns around and looks at accelerator

Accelerator: "The hell are you? Some kind of minotaur?" The minotaur roars and charges at accelerator

Accelerator seeing this goes to turn on his choker but doesn't feel it. Realizing this he looks at the minotaur

As the minotaur fist goes to punch accelerator something happens

(Reflection sound)

The minotaur roars in pain as it holds its broken hand

Accelerator seeing as his reflection is working then get his signature sadistic grinn

Accelerator: "Hahahahahaha, well would you look at that it still works. Now time for you to die!"

Accelerator manipulates the vectors and rushes at the minotaur at high speeds and grabs his face. Once he grabbed the monsters face he manipulated its blood flow and it exploded covering the walls with its blood. Once it was dead accelerator looks at the boy and sees he's covered in blood.

Accelerator: "Hey kid where the hell are w-

But accelerator dosen't get to finish his sentence as the boy screamed and ran past him but he bumped into a blood haired girl but got up and ran away


Accelerator turns around and sees a blonde haired girl standing there

Accelerator: "Are you just gana stand there all day or what?" Accelerator said snapping the girl out of space. But before the girl could respond the two heard a laugh

???: "hahahaha, did you see that guy he looked like a frickin tomato!"

Accelerator looks at the guy and sighs as he already knew that he wouldn't be any help and starts walking past the both of them

???: "where are you going?"

Asked the blonde haired girl

Accelerator: "out of here."

And with that accelerator walks away from the two and searches for some way to get out of here. After a while he food stairs one's going up and one's going down

Accelerator: "well up we go."

Accelerator walks up the stairs and sees his on a different floor, then monsters started to appear

Accelerator: "tck. There's more of you huh? Alright just don't blame me for what happens."

[Time Skip]

There are purple crystals everywhere on the floor as the monsters that accelerator killed turned to ash then drops those purple crystals

Accelerator: "what are those?" Accelerator said as he picks up one of the multiple crystals on the ground

Accelerator not carrying puts it in his pockets and leaves and goes up the stairs

Once he was up to the last stairs he keeps walking forward and sees a white light at the end

Accelerator: "am I in heaven? Nah probably in hell but everything seemed real."

As accelerator keeps walking and reaches the end he is blinded by the light making him close his eyes

Once he eyes got adjusted he opened his eyes but was surprised at what he saw

Everything looked like it was in the mind evil of time not to mention everyone was wearing armor

Accelerator looking at this only had one thing in mind


A Certain Accelerator in DanmachiOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz