****Niall's POV****

I finally got up at 11am. Just because I was hungry. So I went into the mini kitchen where everyone was already awake watching tv, and got some cereal.

"IT'S ALIVE!" Louis screamed.

The other boys screamed in terror.

"Shut up." I growled. "Has Audrey come back yet?"

"Uh...no...she stayed here last night?" Harry asked.

"Yeah. And you came into the bathroom and puked while she was in the shower. Then you passed out on the floor." I said.

"Oh god...."

"And all of you guys were passed out by the time she got outside. So, great first impression."

"Why did she stay here? That was your first date...moving kinda fast, aren't you?" Liam asked with a smirk on his face. Louis stood up and hip thrusted.

"Shut up. She's having a lot of problems. Her brother is in the hospital, and her mom is letting the guy that did it stay with her. So Audrey is refusing to stay there. And when her brother gets out on Thursday, he's staying here too." I explained.

"Wait, we're leaving tomorrow!" Zayn said.

"I'm not. I'm leaving on Friday, to be there in time for the show."

"No!" They all exclaimed.

"Yes. Audrey needs me. She doesn't have anyone else."

They all groaned, but agreed. Then there was a knock at the door.


****Harry's POV****

Dang it! Niall is staying here, but I needed to talk to him on the way to Florida! Oh, well....I can talk to him about it later...I didn't think it was that important...maybe it was though. I just needed to tell him that I...had sex with his new girlfriend's best friend...not that important...

I'm never going to see her again, so it really doesn't matter. But I'm sure Niall will, so I wanted him to know. Whatever. I can tell him when he gets to Florida. As long as he doesn't see her and she tells him first. That would be bad. Niall would be so pissed. He hates when guys have sex with a random girl. He believes in real relationships. And I usually do, but this girl was just so...beautiful. And she liked me. It wasn't that hard to be attracted to her. And she agreed to do it, said she didn't care that we wouldn't see each other again. She said it was better that way anyway, because afterward, she told me she has a boyfriend. If I would have known this bit of info, I would never have done that.

But it's not my fault she didn't tell me...so it's okay. Because we're never going to see each other again.

...I thought so, anyway.

Until she was standing at the door with Niall's girlfriend.


****Peyton's POV****

What is he doing here?! Audrey said they wouldn't be here! Oh my god, we need to tell Niall first! How can we do that now?! I told Harry we wouldn't see each other again! Now he's going to know that something's wrong! God...I can't tell him yet! We need to tell Niall!

A hand waved in my face.

"Peyton!" Audrey was signing in my face.

"Introduce yourself!" She signed.

"I-I'm Pey-Peyton..." I stammered.

"Hi!" The boys said in unison.

I looked at Audrey. She signed "Ask Niall for me, please."

"N-Niall? Could we...talk to y-you? ...Alone?" I said.

All the boys said "Ohhhh..." And then there was a chorus of voices "We'll just go..." "Of course." And "Yeah, let's go guys."

"Thanks.." I muttered. They walked past me walking out of the room.

****Niall's POV****

"....Alone?" Peyton said. Why did they need to talk to me alone? Did I do something? What if Audrey doesn't want to stay with me and she's staying with Peyton? Oh god, what's happening?!

All the boys walked out of the room and the girls came and sat on the couch across from me.

"What is it??" I said.

"I need to tell you something..." Peyton said.

"Okay? What is it?"

"Audrey begged me to tell you first, so that you could be with us to tell the rest of the boys..."

"What is it?!" I looked at Audrey, and she was looking at the ground. Then she looked up, and met my eyes. She gave me a smile, and it was the worst fake smile I've ever seen. At least now I'll know when she's nervous. I smiled to myself, then looked back at Peyton.

"...I'm pregnant." Peyton whispered.

"Okay...what does that have to do with me and the boys?" I asked, confused.

She put her head in her hands, and started sobbing. I walked over to her, knelt down, and took her hands.

"It's going to be okay, but will you please tell me why I needed to know?"

She took a deep breath then said "It's Harry's."

That's all I remember before storming out of the room to find that bastard.


(A/N) Hey people!! I got the chapter rewritten faster than I thought! I was so mad when it didn't save! But I actually redid a couple parts, and I think it came out better! So thanks for reading, and as always, keep voting, commenting, and fanning! I have a couple surprises coming...but they won't be for a while! So keep reading!(:



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