My Name Is

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"SJ77777, please report."

"I'm gonna fight you HYOJIN!" J-US, in Hyojin's body screamed so hard into the air.

"HJ42294, please report." MK didn't get time to react to J-US's fury. He constantly checked the monitor while removing the cable from him.

No sound, no image, only silence.

"HJ42294, please report!"

Still nothing.

"I'll have to check from their security camera. Wait for me here. It won't take long." MK hurried and did everything he can before somebody traced him down. J-US stood beside him, leaning towards the table so he could also take a look.

"Got it." MK transferred the image on to the bigger screen. And there's Hyojin, with J-US's body. He's still whole, fortunately, but being captured, unfortunately.

"Damn! What is he smiling at? Really? Even if I got the data, it doesn't mean he could sacrifice himself like this." J-US slammed the table real hard.

"Bro, don't break my things." MK held up the chocolate J-US accidentally smashed on. "And don't break yourself."

They returned back to the hideout with the image. Other members looked at them, worried. They could recognize it's J-US who was standing in front of them. Not only how he walks and act made it obvious, the fact that "himself" was standing there meant that the transfer had succeeded.

"I heard a loud bang out there, is everything alright?" Someone broke the silence.

"No, definitely not alright, Wyatt. He's been caught." J-US grabbed the image and shift it on to the projection device.

The members stood there, sighed.

"We have to save him, Hyojin, I mean, J-US. Gosh this is stressful and confusing at the same time." It's E-Tion who spoke.

"Of course. All of this would be meaningless if he's not part of this. We just need another act before the final game." U, who was youngest and the one in charge of planning said.

"We should make our move as soon as possible." J-US said. "We don't know what they would do to him."

MK walked up and placed the chip on the table.
"It's the data. I got it all in here and few backups just in case. I will look into it and see if there's anything useful."

Now there's only one leader left in the team, J-US had to take all the work to make things work. With the body of Hyojin, J-US felt the burden even more.

"Hyung," U approached him and called him, "you can count on us. Don't always make yourself carry all of this."

J-US looked at U. He knew U had been thoughtful all the time. Although he's the youngest, he still seemed to be the most mature and serene one.

"Thank you." J-US wanted to hug him, but then he knew he might get emotional, he did nothing. "So, you got a plan, is that correct?"

"Of course." U beamed.

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