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Tension Oooh



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Jimin pokes his boyfriend's soft dumpling cheeks, giggling as the elder moves his head over the car window a little

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Jimin pokes his boyfriend's soft dumpling cheeks, giggling as the elder moves his head over the car window a little. "Cute." He mumbles and puts his lover's head on his shoulder and ruffles his hair as the elder unconsciously wraps both hands around his waist.

"So you did write this 2-page script for your relations purpose with that boy?" Baby Bang---


Si-Hyuk who is on the passenger seat says while staring at the script with huge eyes. Seokjin is driving the car and his boyfriend at the back with TaeGguk couple who are having overly concerning sweet moments, Namjoon has the urge to puke.

Hoseok on the middle seat with YoonMin couple nods his head enthusiastically.

"I--" Si-Hyuk turns him to Hoseok, "you don't trust your hyung?" Almost immediately he got an answer. A no.

Hoseok shakes his head with the most innocent smile and Si-Hyuk's jaw falls.

Everyone burst into silent laughter at Hoseok's straightforwardness.

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"You have a lover?"

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"You have a lover?"

"Wait what?" Seokjin glances at the eldest as he turns the steering wheel.

"Oh fuck wrong account." Si-Hyuk murmurs. As everyone's except Yoongi's questioning gaze fall on him. He busies himself by burying his attention on the script, at least it comes to be useful for once.


Soon they reach Jinyoung's house and are now standing on the front porch. Yoongi being still half asleep but thank his boyfriend for splashing water on his face.

Hoseok is literally sweating buckets as he tries his fifth time to ring the doorbell.

Everyone rolls their eyes at the boy's nervousness.

Si-Hyuk steps forward and rings the doorbell like 10 times at once. Hoseok looks at him shocked, "what the hell? 10 times?"

"From every person standing here." Si-Hyuk answers with a straight face. "But we are 8 in total?" Hoseok points out.

"The 8 of us." Si-Hyuk looks around, "and that birdie and cat over there." He points at the nearest tree and the roadside.

They look in his pointing directions and sees a bird at the tree branch, and on the roadside a cat casually jogging there but as soon it notices them it runs away at full speed.

Jeongguk and Taehyung giggle, "nice."

Hoseok tsk while others burst into laughter.

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